Johns Hopkins University

In an article of its responsibility; baptized: The colonization of Palestine is an obstacle for La Paz, whose mere title reveals the content; Carter seems to not know that the Israeli presence in the West Bank and Gaza was product of the aggression that suffered in 1967 by the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria with the support of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Algeria. Israel did not occupy territories of any sovereign State. Judea, Samaria, and Gaza was illegally in the power of Jordan and Egypt. The disputed areas were promised for Jewish establishments by Liga of the Nations in 1922 and the respective resolutions were transferred to the UN under Art. 80 of the Letter of the United Nations. Faithful with his policy of support to the extremism, acted like observer of the Venezuelan referendum. A day before the event, all the surveys gave the victory to the opposition, but the winning result of Chvez was significant: 58 against 42 percent. The experts Edward Felten of the Department of Sciences of the Computation of Princeton University next to Aviel Rubin and Adam Strubblefield de Johns Hopkins University, that made the pursuit of the process, indicated that the electronic vote is much more susceptible of massive fraud that the manual.

The Foundation Carter did not employ to review the new computers nor the software that the chavista government introduced for the first time in Venezuelan electoral system; they preferred to avoid that insignificant detail. Surely the manisero will return to Caracas to supervise the next elections in December and to make sure that Chvez continues in the power. If he loses, in spite of the fraud that is noticed to come, the ex- president found in South America a new aspiring to dictator. He is a farmer so preparation, cult and good political administrator as he were. One is Evo Morales, who in the United States sheltered itself under its lap. The native Bolivian president obtained a protector in the empire that as much he detests and to that he insults in each opportunity that can. Carter, consequent with their principles, is in agreement with the communist, racist and autocratic measures of Morals, that are causing confrontations and they cost the life to him to too many, in hardly nine months of government.