Nemesis Investments AG Recommends Investment In Commodities

Nemesis investments AG recommends investing in commodities nemesis investments AG: nemesis commodity plan as an investment alternative for the middle-class Zurich April 2010. Until a few years ago were considered niche investment commodity investments now oil, precious metals and agricultural products have established themselves as one of the rentierlichsten investment alternatives. Also medium-sized investors begin to explore commodity investments as means for private wealth accumulation. With the commodity plan, the nemesis investments AG has now created a new investment concept integrated commodity certificates, equities, bonds and exchange traded commodity securities (so-called ETCs) in an investment product. Property and commodity investment experience a boom since the subsiding of the financial and economic crisis. Acute inflation fears, as they are fuelled by economic experts in the media almost daily, accelerate this trend and make sachwertliche investments as a safe haven for personal wealth accumulation. In the face of one is worldwide normalizing industrial and consumer demand investment in precious metals, fossil fuels and agricultural products have made but also a reputation as especially yielding investment option. The excellent yield expectations are supported by recent economic data from the United States and China, which forecast a clear economic recovery for 2010/2011.

The Swiss nemesis investments AG anticipates significantly increasing commodity demand in Western industrialised countries as well as in emerging markets for the coming months and years. With the nemesis commodity plan, the nemesis investments AG has created an investment product that even medium-sized customers to benefit from the expected development of demand in the commodity sector can be. From a minimum investment of 20,000 German private households on a concept of investment to participate in, which has not only over a long term high yield potential, but uses at the same time all the essential benefits, the financial centre of Switzerland offers the investor. By the nemesis Spent investments AG in their investment decisions investment policy is based on the principle of diversification and integrates a wide variety of asset classes. The nemesis of commodity plan consider the asset manager of nemesis investments AG including securities exchange traded commodity (ETC) and individual shares, but also commodity certificates. Convertible and warrant bonds are a further focus in the nemesis commodity plan. With this flexible investment strategy the nemesis investments AG may invest directly or indirectly in company, whose business model partly or mainly with the promotion, the processing or trading related to raw materials.

Questions to the nemesis of commodity plan answered the nemesis investments AG, Tel. + 41 43 244 85 85. personal advice appointments to the nemesis commodity plan and all other investment products of nemesis investments AG can also arrange itself under the specified number. About nemesis investments AG, the nemesis investments AG is an established in 1993, Swiss asset management. As Bank-independent asset managers offer a consulting expertise resulting from many years of experience nemesis investments AG staff. The primary segment of nemesis investments AG covers the individual asset management and investment advice. Contact: Nemesis investments AG Anton Meyer Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich phone: + 41 43 244 85 85 fax: + 41 43 244 85 80 E-Mail: Internet: