No Chance Of Winter Depression

Prevent the depression in the autumn with a targeted micro-nutrient therapy now 36 percent of women and 24 percent of men suffer from according to a survey commissioned by the technician health insurance plan in three federal States about the so-called winter depression. The winter blues shows in mood swings, lack of concentration and tiredness. Cause is a seasonal light deficiency, which leads to a reduced production of serotonin. Experts advise therefore to go a quarter of an hour in the fresh air at least daily during the winter months. Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters that positively affect the mood. So inevitably, a deficiency can lead to depressive moods. A very effective prevention, to not only catches”to come the winter depression, is now to begin in the autumn with a targeted micro-nutrient therapy.

Why a therapy with micro-nutrients? Micronutrients have an immense impact on the mental state of mind. Also amino acids, among them are the different neurotransmitters which have a stabilizing effect on the nervous system. From the amino acid tryptophan, serotonin is formed from glutamine the calming neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), from tyrosine dopamine, a catecholamine, which affects attention and behavior, etc. But not only the amino acids are particularly important for the nervous system, but also trace elements, minerals and vitamins such as vitamin D. Recently a small study presented University in PubMed of Washington State, where women taking vitamin D3 a definite improvement of in depressive symptoms was achieved through with winter depression and low vitamin D levels. All organic molecules as playing together in a concert; This means that they must be in a balanced proportion. There are the right nutrients in the required concentration to administer targeted micro nutrient therapy as a result.

This in turn requires a detailed blood analysis accurately identified the need for micronutrients. The DCMS-neuro-check the diagnostic centre for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH is such a laboratory check. The implementation is very simple: the blood loss can be made at the laboratory itself or at the general practitioner. The blood collection set is made available. The laboratory submits a medical report of findings with the laboratory data and gives a precise treatment recommendation. Learn more: depression in autumn there can be very helpful also a targeted Mikronahrstoffherapie…/DCMS_Depressionen.htm Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH lion stone Rt 9 97828 Marktheidenfeld Tel. 0049 / (0) 9394 / 9703-0 E-Mail: