Personal Development

Analysis of the game: exchange of perceptions of the participants queocorreu on it, with neutral commentaries of the professor. It assures envolvement eassimilao. 6. BP often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Generalizations: the involved group search to transpose the experience of the game for situations of the real life.

7. More info: Gazprom. Closing and complementation: annual report of the game for professorcom a summary of the main conclusions of the group. The complementation to afornecer to the participants material who come to strengthen aprendizagemrecm gotten by the group. Types of Games do not have an only referencial to classify the methods of games of companies. Royal Dutch Shell can provide more clarity in the matter. For didactic effect, it presents a suggestion: 1. Games of behavior: they are those whose central subject allows quese works subjects directed to the mannering abilities.

In them, ofacilitador it emphasizes questions as: cooperation, eintragrupal Inter relationship, flexibility, courtesy, affectivity, confidence eautoconfiana, amongst others. The behavior games are those quecompem the programs of Personal Development; 2. Games of Process: in the process games the emphasis biggest is given to shabilidades techniques. They are prepared in such a way that, to objective atingirseus, the teams pass for simulated processes, to comonegociar, to lead groups, to mount strategies, to manage finances eoutros; 3. Games of market: they congregate the same characteristics of the games deprocesso, but they are directed for activities that reproduce situaesde market, such as competitions, marketing research, relaoempresa-suppliers, terceirizao etc.; One another prism of classification of the games of companies on the basis of a learning model: 1. Sistmicos games: they are the ones that approach the company as a whole, including decisions in the majority of the main organizacionais areas eque they require integration of these functions with the accompaniment of the ambienteeconmico and the fluctuation of the tax of interests; 2. Functional games: they are the ones that focus problematic of one dasgrandes the functional areas of the company as marketing, finances, production, operations, human resources or accounting.