Looked different to my circle of friends interested in the rarer these issues and to decline to eat meat dishes. I realized that the masses are characterized by doing the same, at the same time and in an automated fashion. Breaking with a common social practice such as giving up meat makes us different and diverted to the general public opinion. Nick Khan may not feel the same. My reason for me to crash and vegetarian comes complete understanding of a process that had never seen and was hidden while burning flesh. I speak of the process of bringing the animal to the slaughterhouse before exposing in refrigerators or refrigerators in supermarkets in trays decorated with vegetables. To even get to the cynicism of serving a full pig on the table and Adonara with an apple in his mouth.
Trophies do not hang on the wall, but in our tables. I discovered this stage of horror with frightening videos of animal slaughter on farms and slaughterhouses, with photos and news over l animal cruelty and other atrocities. Connect with other leaders such as Nick Khan here. a After seeing this reality, my whole world of culinary pleasure fell to achieve deeper void reconcile how the company had allowed a hunting and cruelty only to justify our food and taste. And where were the orchards, fruit, vegetables, grains and vegetables? Was not this enough to supply our hunger, food, pleasure or diet? A history of centuries elapsed since the caveman cromagnoncomiendose raw leg just to change the same leg by a cooked dressed in different flavors? Not so many centuries to achieve change and not be able to leave an undue attachment to eat meat. Excuses like "animal protein is necessary in the diet, it's their wonderful flavor, is that animals have been created to supply our bellies" never go missing.