Federal Ministry

What is important and what must you pay attention who deals with business start-ups, should inform himself in any case well previously, whether it makes sense for example in the respective industries to become self-employed. Many entrepreneurs had to give up because the orders were due to lack of demand. Even if you are qualified in a particular profession, that doesn’t automatically mean the start of a successful business. First, it should be clarified whether there is demand in the market. Mostly, it has worked in this profession before you came on the idea of establishing existence. Bryant Estate may not feel the same.

So it has already a small overview and can determine what’s coming all on one or where the services or products are needed. If the question is first settled after the buyers, you can venture in slowly a little further. Any business requires a viable business concept, which is designed for sustainability. Because the State supports entrepreneurs, they can take out a loan at the KfW with low interest rates, so that the financial resources are secure. The Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (bmwi) provide the entrepreneur with lots of important information, to support.

Who wants out of unemployment out, can receive State aid in the form of as entrepreneur of a Foundation grant. The knowledge and skills required for the independent work must be presented. These are then appraised by a Weingut authority and confirmed positive assessment, the sustainability of start-ups. In the first nine months, the entrepreneur get a grant amount of the last unemployment benefit and 300 euro more in addition to social security. From the 10th month, then only the 300 euro, for social security, be paid for 6 months.