HR Digital

Job search remains one of the biggest problems of citizens in Spain and even more so with the data collected during this Wednesday, in which the unemployment figures reaching more than 4,200,000 Spaniards. Also, people who walk in search of a job opportunity are increasingly using social networks, as revealed it a survey in which of 15,000 votes, 33.10% believed that the social network Facebook is the second best option to search for employment. The survey was carried out by HR aiming to hear the opinion of people about social media marketing, and which are considered more conducive to find and look for a job. Among the social networks that have presented as options have been: LinkedIn, Facebook, Xing, Viadeo, Twitter and MySpace. The result that is most worth highlight has been of Facebook with 33.10% of 15,000 votes, since it has located the second option while the purpose of this was not to create a social network specializing in job search.

LinkedIn has done with the first post as expected with 49,78% of the votes, since it’s social networking specializing in social media marketing number one around the world. According to the results, users believe that Xing is the third best option with 10,78%, followed by Viadeo with 5.10% of the votes. While Twitter and MySpace are left in last place with 1.16% and 0.09% respectively..

TCA Form

In this work a theoretical boarding will be presented, simulation and implementation of a gradador circuit for resistivas loads, being used integrated circuit TCA785. The objective of this work is to implement to dimmer for incandescent light bulb using one triac. For this integrated circuit TCA785 will be used. For more information see ConocoPhillips. The control of the luminous intensity is carried through basically controlling it tension efficient applied to the terminals of an incandescent light bulb. A form to make this is through the variation of the amplitude of the applied tension, remaining it wave form, being able to be implemented, for example, with the insertion of changeable electrical resistances in the circuit, wasting great amount of energy. This becomes the produced device highly inefficient. One alternative method is to modify the wave form, suppressing part of it, through the control of the angle of detonation of triacs, as it will be used in this work.

How To Verify A Web Site Optimization SEO

When entering the Internet world, there are few who realize the importance not only to acquire and manage a site, but also carrying a management task that involves visits to optimize that is received daily. What is known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a tool that marketing experts use to optimize the search for a search engine. Although it sounds complicated, anyone can track their own SEO website. The first thing to do is enter the specialized sites that are already on the network and let you have at your disposal a number of tools to get the information you seek. Within these sites are as follows: To evaluate the XHTML source code according to each network standards, you can go to want to know the specific statistics of your website traffic, you can use the tool you Google offers, check out the page where you can even related technical assistance.

Google also lets you choose the SEO tools into various types of traces to optimize your site by going to great site is the Ranking Checker where you enter keywords for these will be stored as a database for comparison after with those who occupy the daily search ranking of network users and so you know what are the most popular words every day. This is just to use these same words in shaping the content of your page. In case you have questions or require exchange views with others going through the process of positioning in which you find yourself, we recommend you enter the website called a forum that gives you comprehensive SEO tools and common problems faced by others in this regard. Finally, the SEO Analyzer, created by, gives information on key indicators of SEO to help improve and track your website. It even lets you save to your PC reports through a downloadable PDF file.