Java Bank

All these operations can now be done not only through an ATM, but with a mobile phone – if the bank provides pull-services. Incidentally, the implementation of such services requires incomparably less effort and financial investment than installation and maintenance of additional ATMs. In addition, since work on the principle pullservisy query, you can identify the caller on his cell phone number, and if need to seek additional pin-code to confirm the action – for example, transfer funds to another account. Thanks to the intuitive mechanics, reminiscent of communication spredstavitelem bank, pull-service allows customers simply, quickly and at no additional cost to carry out all necessary operations with the account. SMS or Java? There are two main channels for communication between the customer and the bank over a cellular network.

The first and, by virtue of its accessibility, the most common – SMS. This technology and, accordingly, based on her service support for all modern mobile phones, and it is not subject to an additional monthly fee. The client dials query as a text message and sends it to the phone number, and after a while the subscriber receives a response that describes the result of his request. In this case, the client downloads onto your phone a special Java-program, through which we are managed services. C model using Java-based applications common today is much smaller. Firstly, it is actually a ported version of the service "Internet bank", and in the process of developing mobile versions of software products from software, in order to preserve the unique ergonomic mobile telephone are excluded some important elements.

The Sikom Software GmbH

Quick and nimble despite large dimensions of Heidelberg, 16 July 2012 after the successful collaboration in the last Dakar rally continue Sikom software and professional Canoer Ellen Lohr their cooperation. Until the end of October, the Heidelberger software company that established solutions so far mainly in the area of the contact center, promotes the team of racing-Amazone at the FIA truck race 2012 European Championship. While Ellen Henry race truck characterized, inter alia through the use of modern communication technology, which allows, for example, an inboard live streaming directly to the Web. The truck race EM is a perfect example that even large and seemingly immovable structures can be incredibly fast and nimble if the proper technique and the corresponding professionals are used. The truck by Ellen Lohr is accelerated anyway in six seconds from 40 to 160 km/h, and thanks to his experienced driver the huge vehicle incredibly fast on the road, “explains Jurgen H.

Hoffmeister, managing partner the SIKOM Software GmbH. otherwise it behaves at large enterprises that employ often inflexible and aging technologies in customer communications in the contact center. For even more opinions, read materials from Eliot Horowitz. Are here but the processes and strategies professionally revised and supplemented with appropriate solutions, then also large companies can respond very dynamically to customer concerns.” The Sikom Software GmbH is a leading manufacturer and provider of contact center solutions. On the basis of a broad product portfolio, the company implements high-performance, future-proof solutions for the efficient design of communication processes in all industries. No matter whether Dialer, contact center and IVR – all products are multi-modal-oriented and support unified communications concepts.

Sikom founds its success mainly on strong partnerships, for example, in large research projects with universities and industrial partners. Sikom renewed support is a strong signal, the company found a reliable partner for us to have. Until the last race on October 14th at Le Mans I and my team will give everything to be always ahead and participate in the friends and fans of our sport, for example, on the Sikom website on the spectacle”, Ellen Lohr is active for more than 25 years in racing reports.


USU group cooperates with reboard for the mobilization of the IT management solutions Valuemation and CIS system. Stuttgart, September 18, 2012. By the same author: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Reboard, one of the leading specialists in the field mobile BI and mobile reporting, has signed a strategic partnership with the USU group, Europe’s largest provider of IT service management software,. The product reboard of the same Stuttgart-based company is integrated in the USU Valuemation product so that mobile can be accessed on the world’s established IT service management solution. So, reboard will reach in future Valuemation users in European and American markets; first customers for the mobile solution are already won. The partnership between reboard and the USU group guarantees customers immediately mobile front end access to data via Tablet PCs. Mitchel Resnick is often mentioned in discussions such as these. decision-makers an overview of indicators and relevant company information on the road quickly. The first customers of the USU group have already taken the mobile access to Valuemation or CIS system in their planning. The USU group has currently the world’s over 500 customers including Allianz, BASF, BMW Group, Deutsche Telekom, E.ON, Nokia Siemens Networks, Orange, Poste Italiane and Volkswagen. Peter Stanton Jackson, USU Director, explains: Re-Board is the ideal platform and gives us an optimal advantage in these times of rapidly increasing spread of mobile devices. We glad to have found a mobile solution that so compatible and easy to integrate into our existing products.” Volker Hahn, reboard Managing Director, says: we have a globally established partner and reseller on our side with the USU group. We are pleased to be able to extend the capabilities of first-class product Valuemation using our mobile reporting solution. In addition, we are sure that the USU customers with the intuitive user interface for mobile retrieval of information will be more than satisfied. We are pleased about the cooperation with the USU group and the resulting opportunities.” Reboard is a one of the leading providers cross-platform mobile BI solution.

Earn Money Online With Affiliate Programs

One of the best ways to make money online is to create our own products and sell them on the net, but it is also true that there is no easy create our own product. Fortunately there are affiliate products, which are products created by third persons, where these people as a means of marketing their products, offer everyone the opportunity to sell those products in exchange for a commission on each sale. The best thing about this is that most people offering these commissions for selling their products, offer this opportunity completely free, there are only a few in which to sell the products you need to first purchase. How to start? To start selling these products, you just have to find, subscribe to the affiliate program to give you a referral link and start promoting with this link, so you can receive commissions for every successful sale. On the Internet there are many people or companies that offer some affiliate program independently, ie to start selling their products need to request your affiliate link directly to that person or company, or buy their products before. But there are also sites where the vendors brokers advertise their affiliate programs, in order to easily recruit people interested in selling these products, greatly facilitated the work to people that we are only interested in finding other products to sell in exchange for a commission, because everything is grouped and organized in such sites. Intermediaries Portals like these there are many, but one of the best and most commercially available products is Clickbank, which has hundreds of thousands of digital products, courses, audio books, software, ebooks, etc.., All organized into categories type, health, business, technology, sports etc.., and are ready for anyone to begin to promote them and earn commissions of between 40% and 75% of product cost. .

Legal Protection

Although there is an international consensus even on the protection that should be given to computer programs (in United States and Japan, for example, are protected by patents), Spanish legislation are protected by intellectual property law, in Title VII of computer programs. There is no doubt that the software is a product of the intellect, and part of the creative activity of the author, although it is difficult to raise the concept of originality against other types of works. Thus, it covers under intellectual property and not industry, enjoying a number of benefits. The term of protection of copyright is 70 years after the author’s death (where it is a legal person is 70 years after the disclosure), against 20 that are established in the patent. Moreover, this protection is automatic, it is born at the moment when a person creates a work, and covers the preparatory documentation, the possible versions and derivative programs. However, a computer program can be protected patent through its registration, but raises the inconvenient that everyone can access the source code. Intellectual property gives to the author rights of exploitation that can be transmitted. These include being able to exploit a series of licenses as use or reproduction, distribution or commercialization licenses (excludes except rent agreed) or license of transformation, which allows the adaptation of the programme to the needs of the user or its translation.

However, even if holder’s authorization is not available, the law allows a lawful user reproduction, transformation and error correction required for the programme, the necessary backup, the in-depth study of the principles of the program and playback. In the so-called information society it does not doubt of the importance of these values and intangible goods in the company. About the software, not to be a tangible product and be developed in small computer media, the rights of the intellectual property can be infringed easily, so it must be in mind as regards its legal protection, since in many cases they have a value higher than the active materials of the company.

FIA Contact

Quick and nimble despite large dimensions of Heidelberg, July 15, 2012, following the successful collaboration in the last Dakar rally continue Sikom software and professional Canoer Ellen Lohr their cooperation. Until the end of October, the Heidelberger software company that established solutions so far mainly in the area of the contact center, promotes the team of racing-Amazone at the FIA truck race 2012 European Championship. While Ellen Henry race truck characterized, inter alia through the use of modern communication technology, which allows, for example, an inboard live streaming directly to the Web. The truck race EM is a perfect example that even large and seemingly immovable structures can be incredibly fast and nimble if the proper technique and the corresponding professionals are used. The truck by Ellen Lohr is accelerated anyway in six seconds from 40 to 160 km/h, and thanks to his experienced driver the huge vehicle incredibly fast on the road, “explains Jurgen H. Hoffmeister, managing partner the SIKOM Software GmbH. otherwise it behaves at large enterprises that employ often inflexible and aging technologies in customer communications in the contact center.

Are here but the processes and strategies professionally revised and supplemented with appropriate solutions, then also large companies can respond very dynamically to customer concerns.” The Sikom Software GmbH is a leading manufacturer and provider of contact center solutions. On the basis of a broad product portfolio, the company implements high-performance, future-proof solutions for the efficient design of communication processes in all industries. No matter whether Dialer, contact center and IVR – all products are multi-modal-oriented and support unified communications concepts. Sikom founds its success mainly on strong partnerships, for example, in large research projects with universities and industrial partners. Sikom renewed support is a strong signal, the company found a reliable partner for us to have. Until the last race on October 14th at Le Mans I and my team will give everything to be always ahead and participate in the friends and fans of our sport, for example, on the Sikom website on the spectacle”, Ellen Lohr is active for more than 25 years in racing reports.

Krzysztof Franek

Extensively planned and detailed changes in the software architecture will further improve the performance in this software release. Because the IT industry focused more towards to the 64-bit architecture, and the developers that have focused, the system performance in open-E DSS V7 to improve and to ensure a greater compatibility with the latest hardware and software components. With the new version of the software, open-E has also extended the support policy. All newly purchased software licenses include free basic support for a year now. The licenses can be upgraded to higher levels of support, such as standard or premium. Each support product is now available both on one-year and three-year basis. In addition, open-E offers 24/7 support to meet the great demand of enterprise customers worldwide. Krzysztof Franek, CEO and President of open-E is proud to present the new software version of the public: “Open-E DSS V7 had so far largest development period in the history of our company.

But we have consciously accepted these two years without introducing new features in purchase and we have used the time to revise the Foundation of our software. In the development of new features, we have taken on stability and quality to meet the high expectations of the market. According to ConocoPhillips, who has experience with these questions. The active-active failover ushers in a new era for the Open-E data storage Stofware.” All information about open-E DSS V7 are available on the website of open-E. About open-E, the Open-E GmbH is a leading developer of IP-based storage management software. The products of open-E DSS V7 and open-E DSS V7 Lite is focused on the SMB and SME market. Open-E DSS V7 is a robust, award-winning enterprise storage application, which is characterized by excellent compatibility with industry standards (wide range of supported hardware) as well as easy use and management. It is also one of the most robust solutions on the market, and that to an optimal price-performance ratio. Open-E has reached within a decade about 27,000 installations in Fortune worldwide in more than 100 countries 500 companies and has received industry awards by PC Professional, Tom’s hardware, storage Awards, PC Pro u.v.m. Thanks to their reputation, experience and reliability, the Open-E is a valued technology partner of leading IT companies such as Citrix, Intel, LSI, VMware, and Adaptec. For more information about open-E, their products and partners, please visit. Press contact Vera Neumeyer PR & Marketing Manager open-E GmbH T: + 49 (89) 800777-18 (extension) F: + 49 (89) 800777-17 e.mail:

Mergers and Consolidations

Given this reality, multinationals play an important role, since they have been the protagonists of technological change for many years and have come to dominate the market in many major areas. The famous mergers and consolidations have concentrated their power even more by investing large sums of money developing new drugs, integrated circuits, software and all kinds of machinery and equipment. Accelerated development and growth of small and medium enterprises and franchise: It indicates, for those who have studied the tropics, these companies currently generate a significant amount of products of the countries have the advantage of being more agile and flexible to adapt to changes, in addition to having lower fixed costs than large companies. The latest information says that among them are forming networks that enable them to create international partnerships to share markets and resources. There are cases where these networks are formed around large enterprises to participate as suppliers and distributors them. Another method that is very fashionable at the moment and promises them a bright future are franchises, including the expansion of a mark, where the receiver of the franchise should provide the necessary capital and human resources, while issuer provides the name, technology and organization. In either case, the trend is towards the internationalization of companies, the consolidation of global markets, the consolidation of oligopolies and the formation of global business networks. Of course the use of franchising involves many aspects to consider in its operations in such a way that fosters their ulizacion, but that is the subject of another paper The disappearance of borders for trade and finance: Over It notes that Globalization is a concept that is part of our lives, and that opening the U.S.

SaaS Software

It is becoming more necessary to make use of technology within the SMEs. Technology will bring us an improvement of processes and resources, we can devote to increase the design of new products or services, or more important, to care for and pamper the client, which is still the basis of our business. SaS software model is a very interesting alternative because of its low cost. In the applications SaS can find vertical SaS and software sector SaS, minimizing the hours of training and implementation. The great advantage of these tools is the possibility of working the first trading day. On the web you can find a directory of SaS software in Spanish. Surely you can find a product according to your new business. The SaS software for SMEs is a good choice to get your project underway. If it does help the most visited categories are: ERP online projects online CRM online accounting payroll and HR billing online online test various tools, many of them, have version demo.

VCR4OWB – Versioning For The Oracle Warehouse Builder

VCR4OWB – versioning for the Oracle Warehouse Builder, Java based adapter for a standard versioning and continuous control. To broaden your perception, visit LEGO Papert Professor. Karlsruhe 18.12.2012 – Java enables based adapter VCR4OWB, which binds to each common version management system (Subversion, CVS), that now one engineering Minerva SoftCare GmbH the OWB developer standardized versioning. Thus the developer receives not only a consistent transparency project dependencies OWB projects of OWB and non, but also creates a clear order and security. To Mr Matthias Luck, BI & database architect of the data one GmbH: “with VCR4OWB you is now a safe and functional ETL process only a few clicks away. Only a check-out of the Warehouse Builder is required to restore a functional ETL process! VCR4OWB is used in troubleshooting. An ETL process in the Warehouse Builder is corrupt or defective? “so Mr Luck, this meant the without VCR4OWB Process to create entirely new”.

Especially, it turns out: “Larger and complex ETL processes you had always delays in projects and of course higher project costs without VCR4OWB.” For more information about VCR4OWB, just below minervasite/index.php #vcr4owb. The Minerva SoftCare GmbH offers to the topic of versioning in Oracle Warehouse Builder”to also lectures as webinars. The next appointment is sated on January 14, 2013 at 10: 00 and 16: 00. Duration about 45 minutes. More info under: minervasite/index.php #webinarreihe. Contact: Minerva SoftCare GmbH – lower Causeway 12 – 76149 Karlsruhe press and public relations – contact person: Elke Galbraith email: Tel.: + 49 721 781 7703 the company: Minerva SoftCare GmbH is a manufacturer-independent solution for software development. While the competence team focuses mainly on the automation and quality assurance of the entire process chain, from the requirement of the test to the targeted rollout and use of the software. Precisely to the customer’s requirements, Minerva proposes the optimum solution. ALM uses the products of the Belgian manufacturer of IKAN, IKAN especially Minerva prefers an optimum lifecycle and METASUITE ‘Anonymous test data generation’. New: VCR4OWB – versioning for the OWB.