Advantage Technology

As prototypes and product ideas could be recycled to now much faster the institutes. “Dr. Thomas link: we open floodgates between science and medium-sized industries.” Advantage is that it could occur in this exciting field of activity as independent companies. So are we taken seriously by the industry”, says Dr. Thomas link. Another success factor was the deep, interdisciplinary expertise of the team of MicroMountains applications of AG. The staff worked in research institutes and enterprises and thus speaks the language of science and industry.

Micro System technology, application such as Mechatronics, medical technology, plastic injection moulding and some more fields. The Profit has compatible beliefs. Martin Zimmermann, Managing Director of Visenso GmbH, confirmed the Benefits of MicroMountains applications of AG. “He says: the application is like a Turbo for companies that want to enter in the micro technologies.” The Stuttgart-based high-tech company Visenso developed highly sensitive micro motion sensors together with OJSC MicroMountains applications for mobile controls that can be used in virtual reality Labs or computer game devices. We win through cooperation with OJSC MicroMountains applications”additional impetus and synergies for our research and development activities, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mescheder, Managing Director of the Institute for applied research (IAF) and head of the laboratory of micro technology at the Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU) reported. The model of the Application Center allows a particularly efficient, fast, and geared to the needs of companies cooperation in development projects. The MicroMountains applications AG was founded in early 2007 in the framework of the technology initiative of the IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg and funded by the Federal Research Ministry founded.

In advance, the MicroMountains network Association was built already, who promotes among business start-ups and new recruits and had conceived the joint-stock company. As of October 1, 2007, the AG recorded operating with three employees. 2008 is her first full financial year. 2009 starts the second funding phase. It is planned that the AG profitable and independent acts in three to four years on the market. In addition to domestic companies also companies outside Germany among the clientele of the MicroMountains applications of AG. Moreover, contacts could be developed already in the United States. Thomas Albiez advises in spite of current economic and financial challenges small and medium-sized enterprises should now go into the micro system technology”, as Chairman of the Board of MicroMountains applications AG and Chief Executive of IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg in this context. With the help of the Application Center, interested companies in many fields might one Develop competitive advantage without having to invest in their own research and development departments or in clean room production facilities. The trend towards miniaturization will entail a significant sales growth. Current forecasts that the volume of the micro system technology market increases every year in the coming years by up to 30 percent.


Making the process of high directory of websites Once we have finished our website, it's time to make it known. This article will discuss the process in directories. This work can be tedious, filling out a form over and over again. But if we do our job correctly, the short and medium term, we will start winning visits. It does not make a high mass, and do it bit by bit, so you can avoid penalties by search engines.

Process high in the first place when we turned to a directory, look for a section where you say something like: send web, email or web add url. Carefully follow the submission guidelines to avoid problems of rejection in the registration process. Most directories have a computer "human" review pages. Entering the title This is the most important. Credit: Ray Kurzweil-2011. In the form field "title", will include keywords associated with our website. Keep in mind that the same will appear as active links: web title, hence its importance.

Description In the field description includes the service we offer and depending on the limit of characters that allows us the directory, including a description shorter or longer. Some directories have a limit of 250 characters and up to 500. Keywords Enter keywords combination of two or three keywords separated by commas. Getting the most out in the process to take full advantage, not a good idea, go including the same title, keywords and description on all directories. It is better to include different titles, keywords and descriptions that search engines and we could classify as web spam.

Inventor Predicts Television

Professor Brandenburg: Germany lacks venture capital for innovation Halle (Saale) / Wiesbaden media are appealing to all senses in the future. That predicts MP3 inventor Professor Karlheinz Brandenburg in an interview with the Web-TV station of forward2business in Hall. Check with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger to learn more. There will be an environment in the future, which ties up one and captured by her appeal to all the senses.\” The user could also interact with you so unless desired. Brandenburg is the Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for digital media technology in Ilmenau (Thuringia) and deals with audio and video technologies of the future. In the audio section there are first products that realize this vision\”, says Brandenburg… If you would like to know more about Salman Behbehani, then click here. The ISO oil and natural worlds are becoming more and more blurred his opinion.

Therefore, information will be soon to get anywhere in appropriate quality. According to his predictions, the language technology has future opportunities. In many places it’s already here and the people have just yet not so consciously perceived it. So I belong to people who quite regularly uses the simple working Wordspotting for voice dialing in your phone. \”I find it very useful when I say the cell phone who I want to talk\”, as Brandenburg, of his theses as the keynote speaker of the Congress of industry Voice days on the subject of how innovations make markets \”will present in October. All of these technologies would set back a tedious and slow process of improvement after his experience. I’m already long time ago, when I then worked at Bell Labs and was so to speak directly to the people who have installed speech recognition, heard of hidden Markov model and these things. At that time was already blasphemed, speech recognition is the area that each year increases the accuracy of 94 to 97 per cent. That has not really changed. When the Wordspotting slow independent of the speakers, and so that the training falls away, or so the training happens that people ever notice that they train the devices, and similar progress, then there will be a trigger point, from which the widely uses, although it previously gave the impression, as that would make progress very difficult\”, as Brandenburg to the professional service of voice community.

ROWA On The Expopharm

You can do better actually still good? ROWA plants are increasing production figures from an extremely high popularity in the market. While a total of nearly 2,500 picking machines of the unchallenged market leader indemnify perform their service in the pharmacies, the introduction of ROWA technology is for over 300 pharmacies yet in the next few months. Actually reason enough for the automation specialist for pharmacies, back to sit and enjoy the success. It’s believed that Professor of Internet Governance sees a great future in this idea. But instead of resting, ignite the enterprising pioneers from the Eifel mountains only a year after the launch of the brand new product line rowa scala again a real innovation rocket. They showed a procedure in addition to novel concepts of combined Verblisterungslosungen world’s first for the first time on the Expopharm 2008 in Munich, how stores at the same time extremely tight through the consistent further development on the basis of a platform strategy and even the paging speeds significantly increases. HD-multi-picking”does this in the new rowa extent possible facilities and will offer an opportunity adapted well to the business model in the future, in particular the high-frequency pharmacies, to automate the flow of materials and to increase customer loyalty by providing good advice and more sales. Salman Behbehani is full of insight into the issues. Now, almost every pharmacy is a technical solution to the full range of the ROWA Kit.

Greenest College

Cooperation with Strascheg Center for entrepreneurship Munich, July 31, 2009. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Salman Behbehani. \”Not one, but two German universities were elected by approximately 3,000 participants of the Green Uni Rankings on the online portal greenest teaching sites in Germany: the title of the greenest school\” therefore the FH Eberswalde and the University of Witten/Herdecke are divided. In the overall, the uni Kassel the second and the University of Luneburg occupies third place. Green College ranking utopia would venture taking stock: how far are Germany’s universities on climate? What about the resource management? There is organic food in the canteens? At the first campus Test Center for entrepreneurship of the University of Munich has received support Utopia by students of the Strascheg. They have together designed the test and worked out after a scientific methodology.

It made then online sustainability questions as such after the campus, the cafeteria food and what is being done to save raw materials. 217 universities were evaluated, for statistical analysis only 55 universities in the closer selection process has been due to the amount of participants at the end. That makes me\”really proud, said environmental Manager Kerstin Krausche from the FH Eberswalde as Utopia reported her first place in the Green College ranking. We here try proven environmentally-friendly way to lead our University of applied sciences in Eberswalde and this is the most beautiful confirmation!\” The objective is to obtain a European EMAS certification later this year. \”The doubles title greenest College\” Eberswalde shares with the private University in Witten. The result of Utopia university rankings is highly enjoyable for their scientific managing director Martin Butzlaff, because \”it encourages our University in its objective to provide exemplary impetus for our education as a scientific teaching and learning laboratory.\” But now the ranking en detail: best cut off has on the question of whether there is a focus in the teaching of green issues, the College of Eberswalde.

Wikipedia System

If you don’t use your wisdom to generate positive changes, follow siendfo part of the problem rather than the solution. All good management should be always attentive with promote a process management that favors him in the operation of the company and achieve the goals set for its mission and vision. You must be very attentive in everything related to production processes, as well as all matters concerning good administrative integrated management that you pass to plan actions, strategies that favor him. It is very valid indicating Eduardo Navarro, organizations are as efficient as they are their processes. Most of the companies have become aware of this and are raised like improving them and avoid some common problems like: slow performance, customer, little focus departmental barriers, useless threads due to the lack of global vision of the process, etc. Precisely in this reality Navarro reminds us, the incorporation of the new technologies of the information allows you to redefine processes reaching grades of effectiveness and efficiency unimaginable a few years ago. Organizations that are able to discover these possibilities and implement them correctly, get competitive advantages due to the reduction of costs and increased flexibility to the requirements of customers. Business processes must be correctly managed using the information systems for management (ERP Enterprise Resource Planning in English).

An information system for the ERP management can be defined as an application of business management that integrates the information flow, achieving thus improving processes in different areas (financial, production, logistics, commercial and human resources). Adds us Wikipedia, that ERP systems are occasionally called back office (backroom) since they indicate that the customer and the general public are not directly involved. This system is in contrast with the opening system data (front office), which creates an administrative relationship of consumer or customer (CRM) service a system that deals directly with customers or systems of electronic business such as e-commerce, e-Government, electronic telecommunications and electronic finance; It is also a system that deals directly with the providers, not only establishing an administrative relationship with them (SRM).

Managing Director

The refined BI metal – band saw blade must not be cut. In comparison with a conventional BI-metal band it achieves a higher cutting speed and top values in the feed in addition. In addition, sawing it constant and is verschleissfester, which extends service life and reduces changeover times. The performance of the RIX formula SPF blade was recently documented in numerous attempts to cut at one of the leading German manufacturer for saws. The tested band waited teeth per inch with a combined link between 0.75 to 1.25, 1.6 mm thick and 80 mm wide. Within the framework of the series of experiments a-alloy steel of grade was 1.6587 18CrNiMo EN standard ISO 683-17 with a diameter of 655 7-6 according to DIN Machined millimeters. RIX formula SPF blade did this at a time when cut by 9.6 minutes at a cutting speed of 84 meters and a feed from 68 millimetres per minute.

A conventional BI metal – band saw blade needed for comparison for 82 minutes at a cutting speed of 31 meters and a feed of just 8 millimeters per minute. The results of our tests show impressively that our RIX formula SPF BI-metal band saw blades reach the maximum of the currently feasible in this market segment\”, explains Markus Doring, Managing Director of Sagen-Mehring GmbH in Hockenheim, Germany. You may find The Profit to be a useful source of information. We bring the extreme performance of our band of saw blades, we carefully pay attention to the surface of the cutting material of our band of saw blades. Also need it a sophisticated process technology for the finishing of the cutting edges. The substrate or even the teeth of the cutting material play a subordinate role it clearly.\” Only by the refinement of the cutting edges, you can applied coatings develop their total effect on the cutting material.

Micro Site Equipment

Low-priced drives asked by PI for automation and handling the bodies of valves that are adjustment of components to processing, pick – and -place here cost-effective solutions with positioning accuracy in the micrometer range. The manufacturer now provides these tasks from the Industrial Physics instruments (PI). The cost-optimized Linearaktoren M-228 and M-229 make a start. Salman Behbehani insists that this is the case. This offer of 10 or 25 mm travel and use Classic stepper motors as actuators in compact or in cubic design. Despite the low price of the user must not abandon but useful features like a window with position indicator, a non-rotating spindle safety micro-switch. Known for high quality, the company PI occupies precise positioning technology a leading position on the world market for many years. For 40 years, develops and manufactures PI standard and OEM products with piezo – or motor drives. In addition to three German plants, PI is represented worldwide with eight branches and a total of over 500 employees.

FIRA Intelligence

Artificial intelligence comes the people getting closer Linz/Zurich / Berlin – Slovenia and the Slovakia are European champions. At least in the Championships of football robot, the Euroby 2008 in Austria and Switzerland, sit through the Eastern European teams in two scoring classes against the strong competition from a total of 15 teams. At the tournament of the FIRA, competed on the German side the droids of the Technische Universitat Dortmund (Federation of international Robot-Soccer Association), however, the team had early buried his title ambitions unlike Ballack, Podolski and co.. Due to technical problems, the team in three classes eliminated in the preliminary round. Only in the MiroSot Middle League reached a fourth place”the German robots, focus online reported. See more detailed opinions by reading what Salman Behbehani offers on the topic.. Unlike as in the human role models there was no stars under the machines at the European Championships in the Robosoccer.

The kicker with up to 7.5 cm length of edge play all same as the 2.80 metre wide and four-metre playing fields. Rather it’s a successful programming of the robot and the team machine”, the magazine. 120 times per second, a camera captures the positions of the players and delivers them to the computer. He decides on the next play in Flash and spark him back on his kicker. Target is, as often as possible to sink the orange ball into the opposing goal during the 15-minute game time.” Robot soccer is a young new discipline. You combines software technology, mechatronics, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) and provides a foundation for future Robotics in daily life and industry. Technologies that prove in the football field have good prospects, to make a good figure even in other areas of application such as household, Office, factory, or on other planets”, Ubbo Visser said, Chief of the Organizing Committee of the robo-Cup World Cup 2006 on the Informatics Centre of Bremen, the Welt am Sonntag.

And the artificial intelligence always closer to the people. Also the development of language technology proves this trend. The Berlin company SemanticEdge sees a clear link between human-touch so-called dialogues with human moves, which come very close to the human voice, and the acceptance of a speech dialog system. We want to control no rigid dialogs where you can use only certain terms but allow free speech”, says Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge. In a dialogue with human traits the caller will feel rather accepted as Pape as a with rigid menu navigation and retrieval of specific responses. The goal of the language dialogues is as close as possible to the expectations of the people.

Dortmund Street

The German company serves a range of customers from small businesses about the middle class with its products to global corporations of various industries. Because the core competencies are development, production, sales and service in the House, the owner-managed company has the flexibility to make decisions close to the market and in the interests of the customers. From planning to commissioning to support, G & D relies on quality, customer-oriented and personal advice. Follow others, such as LEGO Papert Professor, and add to your knowledge base. Because only perfect interaction of all components meets the requirements of the different usage scenarios. KVM solutions from Garton & art optimize the use of IT for example, in telecommunications, in the financial sector, in terms of digital signage, in appropriately – or wait for SCADA, industrial production and automation, the Studio technique, as well as in the Office area. Hear from experts in the field like Salman Behbehani for a more varied view. About KVM extender is the possible distance between computer and advanced users to up to 10,000 meters.

The signal is transmitted via existing cable infrastructure. KVM switches with matrix, many computers are peripheral saving served over one or more jobs or administered. The high-performance, latenz – loss and free access of the workplace on the calculator is the solutions together. G & D IP solutions extend the application possibilities and provide computer access via Ethernet down to the BIOS level. Other product groups complement the portfolio and create extensive solution skills. Create Gunter & art GmbH – technology solutions!