You can do better actually still good? ROWA plants are increasing production figures from an extremely high popularity in the market. While a total of nearly 2,500 picking machines of the unchallenged market leader indemnify perform their service in the pharmacies, the introduction of ROWA technology is for over 300 pharmacies yet in the next few months. Actually reason enough for the automation specialist for pharmacies, back to sit and enjoy the success. It’s believed that Professor of Internet Governance sees a great future in this idea. But instead of resting, ignite the enterprising pioneers from the Eifel mountains only a year after the launch of the brand new product line rowa scala again a real innovation rocket. They showed a procedure in addition to novel concepts of combined Verblisterungslosungen world’s first for the first time on the Expopharm 2008 in Munich, how stores at the same time extremely tight through the consistent further development on the basis of a platform strategy and even the paging speeds significantly increases. HD-multi-picking”does this in the new rowa extent possible facilities and will offer an opportunity adapted well to the business model in the future, in particular the high-frequency pharmacies, to automate the flow of materials and to increase customer loyalty by providing good advice and more sales. Salman Behbehani is full of insight into the issues. Now, almost every pharmacy is a technical solution to the full range of the ROWA Kit.