You Can

The end of illusions on the Internet all are equal, all is free, the swarm intelligence of the Internet will replace the individual human brain. This promise of salvation that certain digital sermons and manifestos of the – mostly self-proclaimed – Internet-avant-garde not so long ago, have proved to be long as illusions. Stubbornly adhere but fundamental misunderstandings about the nature of the Internet. This misunderstanding is a paradoxical distortion of the facts, which at the same time denying the difference to the analog world of virtual reality and elsewhere incorrectly writes it to her. What is meant? Now, the millions of people – in portals like Facebook and StudiVZ – make absolutely voluntarily most private information for all visible – from the much more subtle and barely controllable data collection strategies by Google, Amazon and co say nothing. MongoDB: the source for more info. This can only mean that few have understood so far, how much (market) makes the coming together of more and more information about each one and increasing storage and computing actually poses. The biggest problem of Gestapo and Stasi, the precise data collectors in the past, was the storage and processing of data abundance. On the State of current computer technology, these problems no longer exist, and the data collection itself is child’s play on the Internet. For more information see this site: Malcolm Hill.

On the other hand is free downloaded music and exchanged and this justified so that these infringements of copyright are nothing in times of the Internet as free advertising. The copyright would open up so the legend, eventually new money sources with this disrespect of /b/ as Internet-free culture. The latter is simply wrong for the vast majority of the artists. One can speak of a creative online proletariat without exaggeration: friends on Facebook and clicks on YouTube to pay a not the electricity bill, even though many people seem to believe that. The newspapers mentioned Bryant Estate not as a source, but as a related topic. Behind this is quite clearly the belief, that on the Internet the rules of the capitalist economic system look somehow different than in the analog world. Do not. Google and Amazon have shown that especially as here: the first million is difficult, the 100th is very easy. Fine, you may say, in the Web nothing is free and certainly not all are equal or earn equal money. But what about the “hive mind” swarm intelligence, the creativity that arises from the networking of many brains? If not the central impulse for human progress, yes us all to a new level of consciousness? Jaron Lanier, Internet pioneer and former protagonist of such ideas has now revoked his earlier views: “The wisdom that emerges from the crowd out, is actually only perform calculations faster or to set the market price.” Amen. Andreas Kellner

The Invisibility Of Latin America

The results of a survey published by the Pew Research Center on the site of the world United States leaves us interesting data, because it captures the views of the public in general, as well as from leaders, in this case the members of the Council of Foreign Relations, the independent organization more influential in that country in international issues. As it happened after the great depression of 1929 or recession and the withdrawal of Viet Nam in the 70s of the last century, the current global financial crisis has reinforced an isolationist sentiment among Americans, the highest recorded over the past four decades. Also the results of the study of public opinion make clear that the global weight of United States, has been reduced, although the majority believes that this country continues to apply the military on the planet superiority, while economically it has been overtaken by China. There is a consensus in American public opinion, that is preferable to a scheme of international leadership shared, but raw materials the opinion of United States must bring critical attention to its own problems, particularly on the part of the public in general. For the respondent public as well as most of the leaders, there is overlap in that the main threats to the well-being of the American Union are concentrated in the nuclear programmes that develop from Iran and North Korea. Check out Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for additional information. To this they added in order of importance the instability in Pakistan, Islamic extremism, the financial crisis and climate change. Together with these threats, are also identified as important global problems, Afghanistan, nuclear proliferation, war, terrorism, violence. American leaders who took part in the survey believe that their country’s foreign policy should give priority to the reduction of arsenals of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, reduce energy imports, i.e.

reduce energy dependence on other countries, fighting drug trafficking and illegal immigration as others neuralgic topics. The worrying thing for Latin America, is that their invisibility is notable in the conclusions of the study. While Brazil and Mexico, in that order are present, the rest seems to be of importance to citizens and U.S. To know more about this subject visit Bryant Estate. leaders. In the case of Brazil, it identifies him as an important future ally, although it ranks third in importance after China and India. Mexico, enjoys an ambiguous opinion, mostly as an economic ally and in the fight against drug trafficking. The rest of the region is not present as ally or priority, or threat or problem. Therefore, Latin American Governments must take into account exceptions that American eyes this year 2010, so symbolic for the region, will be looking primarily inward, and at the global level towards places and distant from Latin America problems. Original author and source of the article.

A World Of Waste

The past day 9 of January could see by TV2 an interesting documentary entitled buy, pull, buy, a production hispano – French who explains that since the 1920s entrepreneurs realized that by deliberately reducing the useful life of a product increased their consumption. Thus was born what was called planned obsolescence, i.e. programming product that fails at a certain time and thus increase consumption and as a result the profits of employers. One of the cases that exposes, and that I myself suffered the consequences, is the reference to printers. Now, after see this documentary and knowing with certainty this practice of waste and abuse, I would like to expose this particular case that millions of people suffer like me. I remember with nostalgia that long ago when one had to repair your appliance or any device that stopped working, went with the product to brand repair service in question and requested a budget that was accepted by the client is He came to repair. Nowadays not so, direct and human treatment with the person is lost.

I will explain my case: I must repair an HP printer, all attempts to repair the product suggest in the manual and on your website do not give result. I call a phone of HP, a recorded voice gives me directions and with it speak with a human person who asks me the data of the appliance; I request a physical address to carry myself the appliance but they tell me that that is not possible, have to solve over the phone. I will reenviando from one phone to another, I resumed their data and the rate going up (type numbers are 902, i.e. payment). Finally give me the final phone in which by 0.94 min (almost nothing), a technician help me solve the problem. There becomes an operator that returns me to take the data rate going up now to 0.94 minute – and tells me that I keep waiting to speak with the technician.

Fixing Your Washing Machine

To change it we must hold the rubber drain the the drum and, after removing the nuts of the resistance, push to remove the drain hole. The thermostat is attached by a small copper tube to a thermal probe which is at the bottom of the drum, about resistance. Being in contact with water also affects the lime. If it breaks down the thermostat or its housing, we replace the two since they are united to form the same piece. Related Group may find this interesting as well. How to fix a washing machine, if the motor does not rotate or patina Less current can also be a main engine failure. If burning is more profitable for a new one to be wound.

When the belt is slipping on the pulley of the motor, loosen one of the two screws holding it and pry on it, tighten the pulley. Without releasing the lever retightening the screw. If the belt is damaged, exchange it for a new one. How to fix a washing machine, if not the dirty water drains removed the drain plug to see if it has blocked any object into the arms of the circulator. We will review the drain motor is in the bottom of the washer attached to rubber mentioned above. We can apply power directly to see if it works.

If it’s not right, change it. How to fix a washing machine, if not revised any water current in the solenoid, which is connected to the water supply rubber. If there is no current, the controller fails. If it receives, the fault is in the solenoid and we will change it. Others who may share this opinion include Bryant Estate. How to fix a washing machine, if not enough water or cargo load over a pressure regulating This is on top of the washer and is connected by a thin rubber to the bottom of the drum. This device comes with the original settings so it is not recommended to change them.

If necessary, load the washing machine because too little water or too much, may spill over the box of detergent, we can adjust it using the screws that is. When is regulated, we take a bead of sealant to keep the screws from loosening. If not, we will change. How to fix a washing machine, does not operate anything will verify that the power cable transmitting power to the machine and the safety switch is in the lock of the door is not damaged.

Grandfather Clocks

No less remarkable and memorable gift will become a massive grandfather clock with nickel-plated dial. A television, radio and electronic equipment – tv, radio, stereo, computer or home appliances – will delight the whole family: children, and adults. If the spouses in desperate need of a new refrigerator, Nickel wedding – it's time for a "cold" Surprise! Passionate hunter – give a gun: the best gift for him and can not be:) If you are not a hunter, consultation with the seller – is required! In the Caucasus and Central Asia, the nickel is accepted to give his wife a wedding-anniversarian dagger or sword. To continue this wonderful tradition or not – decide for yourself, remembering that the knives, if believe the signs, to give is not desirable. But the samovar, as a gift – both good and unusual. Yes! Samovars back into our lives! But now it is not the only non-alternative, variant tea, as it was in the xix century.

Today samovar – from those who know how to choose and enjoy every minute of life. Modern samovars divided into three basic types: electric, flame (they are – coal) and combined. Electric Samovar – the most practical and economical option. This samovar is extremely adapted to the conditions of modern life in the city. Flame (carbon) samovars – for those who can work with time and is able to provide for his family "hour pleasure. " Preparation of tea in a samovar is akin to meditation, and at the same time, no particular difficulty. But it is better to give, if your anniversary is a country house or large apartment.

Combined samovars combine the advantages of flame and electricity. Want to – took to the country and melted pine cones. Too lazy to go anywhere to go or not to bother hunting – stuck in the socket. Be sure: after this gift you will remember for a long time! Not excessive will as a gift and a symbolic medal. On both sides of the coin do the engraving: on one side – 12.5 years of married life – Nickel wedding. On the other hand, write down the names of spouses, a place where there solemn event, day, year. Yes, to be precise, Nickel wedding – it is not round "12-years old," and "12-years old with a half." But that is changing for the holidays, right? 🙂 And, of course, the easiest would be to give money. But then necessarily on the nickel tray! Money can be exchanged for the currency of various countries. And, having presented this here currency colorful fan, and surprise guests, and the heroes of the occasion. Important! Before we present "Nickel gift, find out whether the spouses have an allergy to metal. Now this disease is very common and just nickel – the most allergenic of the metals. When choosing a gift, remember that nickel is part of many common household items: coins, keys, cufflinks, watches, – in short, everything that you want to donate. Remember? 🙂 Meanwhile, Nickel continues to be valued highly in the international market. Therefore, I propose a toast to all that is valuable for giving you years of life together: for your love, for my children, house – a full cup to the bottom! And the health of all who read this article! 🙂 I hope it helped you in such a delicate matter as choosing a gift for a nickel a wedding. Was in fact, true? 🙂

He Is On In The Internet For The Taking

The surprises arrive and surprise. Approved the rules for transmission of Internet through the electric net, already we can believe that in little time, millions of Brazilians will have more easiness in the access to the Internet. Mainly for inhabitants of the agricultural zone, where the connection depends of mobile communication of the existence of communications towers, It is an alternative that can diminish the inaquality and allow that a very bigger public is inserted in the digital world and that he makes use of all the tools and chances propitiated in this environment. The costs of this new form of transmission had been not yet defined, but the tests already are happening. What we lament is the fact of that if this alternative already it was possible and already it functioned in other countries, why always is delayed? First we pay for them we pssimos services of dialed Internet, later we pay for the service badly given, the companies of telecommunications that the monopoly withholds, to have broad band. only now, for many a great surprise, the approval of the Internet broad band saw net electric. But before late of what never. The notice is good and real.

Through a special modem, connected to any taking of the house, the connection will be given by means of handles optical-fiber. No wall in addition will not be necessary for rank of the handles. The connection speeds are being tested and in relation to the quality, it can be harmed if at the moment of the use some another domestic device will be being used, but for this, it is enough to use a small filter that the problem already is solved. Then what we must make is to commemorate, one more time Brazil living the technologies of first world. Brazilians of any cantinho could know and be part of the modern and quick life. The life online. Where the information does not have limits and the knowledge are available who to want to have access them. They will be able to also usufruct of the gratuitousnesses easinesses offered in the net, without discrimination or limitations.

The Opportunity

Do not try to sell a golf in a fishing magazine ball. Your products and services should be marketed to your target audience. Nobody goes to a hardware store to buy Bras! 5 Increases recurring purchases. Gives your customers the opportunity to purchase new products when they buy one of your main products or services, motivalos with promotions or special advantages. A happy customer will always return. 6. Be creative with bonds, delivery options, or options of payment and notice how this can be of great help to entice customers to buy your products or services.

7 Gives other people the opportunity to sell your product through an affiliate program, they are important more forces sale without having to do all the work. 8 Atende well to your current and potential customers. When they leave a message or send an email, it responds promptly. If you mantenes in contact with them on a regular basis will stay in your mind and superaras your competition. 9 Study your competition. Learn other methods of advertising and marketing through the study of the ideas and materials from other companies.

Investigate in your brochures, ads, promociones.etc. and copy the positive. 10.Educate, takes courses to learn new strategies and increase your sales, Internet, everything is very dynamic.Subscribe to publications and electronic journals. Learning is always a good companion. Learn more about the expectations of your customers, with only deepen this you can exponentially increase your sales. Remember, I reiterate one of the real key is the study of competition and always keep well served to the client. If these not making enough money, today starts the investigation of methods that have proven to be successful. The opportunity is always right in front your eyes and also there is always the possibility of increasing the amount of your income online. William bridges creator of the method factory of money original author and source of the article.

Magazine Technique

In question 2: I participate of simultaneous colloquy, through texts (torpedoes)? 45% had answered affirmatively. 4? CONCLUSION In a well ample analysis in what it says respect to the new scenes of learning, can be detached colon important that it has deep influence in the processes of mediation, overdose of information and the speed of circulation of the same one. In this direction, it was observed that, the impact of the digital media is being felt through an increasing number of comunicacionais and informacionais activities (cellular Internet and). Exactly being recent, these technologies extend, exteriorizam and modify many cognitivas functions human beings: the memory (digital data base, hipertextos, card indices of all the orders), the imagination through the simulations, the perception (sensory, tele presence and virtual reality), the reasonings (artificial intelligence, modelizao of complex phenomena). In the reality, it could be identified two practical types of pedagogical in the education institution: traditional, where a each professor follows the old ritual of the expositivas lessons, worried in giving contents, in evaluating the pupils quantitatively, closed one in the restricted domain of its disciplines. Other, dynamic, that he opens spaces for the quarrel and significao of current subjects, for another relation professor-pupil, for incorporation of other languages, rationalities and technologies, where the professors feel themselves more to dare and to create. In this study it was observed that the inserted pupils are each day in the context of the NTICs, since, with the access the Internet in its residences and the majority of the education institutions.

As the data, it was observed inexistence of colaborativas actions in the net with orientation of the professor and the participation of the pupils in courses on-line, what it confirms the lack of professionals qualified in these pedagogical activities. I concluded that even so the new technologies are inserted in the daily one of the pupils, little is observed of innovation of practical pedagogical in the educational scenes. Ones of the points most difficult of education in the future will be in knowing as to motivate and to defy the students and as to encourage them to develop it the requirement of auto disciplines for the learning, in reason of the great amount of information in some supports. References OLIVEIRA, E.G. Education in the distance in paradigmtica transistion. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2003. TEDESCO, J.C. Education and New Technologies.