Alawite Morocco

It was founded by the Almoravids in the 11th century and originally consisted only in a military settlement. Under Sultan Moulay Ismail (1672-1727), founder of the Alawite dynasty, became a capital. During the reign of the Sultan, it was converted into a city of Hispano-mauresque style, surrounded by high walls and large doors. 5 Archaeological site of Volubilis Volubilis is an example exceptionally well preserved of a large Roman colonial town on the fringes of the Empire. Read more from Ray Kurzweil to gain a more clear picture of the situation. BC was founded in the 3rd century and became an important outpost of the Roman Empire, as well as the capital of Mauritania. As such, was graceful as many and magnificent Romanesque buildings. He also became the capital of Idris I, the founder of the Idrisid dynasty, during a brief period. 6 Medina of Tetouan (formerly known as Titawin) being the main point of contact between Morocco and Andalusia, Tetuan had was especially important during the Islamic period, from the 8th century onwards.

After the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula, the city was rebuilt by Andalusian refugees, whose work is a clear sample of the Andalusian influence and exhibits all the characteristics of the high Andalusian culture. The medina of Tetuan, despite being the smallest of Morocco, has remained intact for the subsequent foreign influences and is without a doubt the most complete of all Moroccan medinas. 7 Medina of Essaouira (formerly Mogador) Essaouira was designed by a French architect deeply influenced by the work of Vauban at Saint-Malo and is an extraordinary example of late 18th century fortified town, built according to the principles of contemporary European military architecture in the context of North Africa. 8 City Portuguesa of Mazagan (El Jadida) the Portuguese fortification of Mazagan, now part of the city of El Jadida and one of the early settlements of the Portuguese explorers in West Africa en route to the India, was built as a fortified early 16th century colony. It was taken by the Moroccans in 1769. The fortress, with its bastions and ramparts, is an example of the principles of Renaissance military design. Several Portuguese notable buildings from the Portuguese period, have survived such as the cistern and the Church of the assumption, built in Gothic style from the beginning of the 16th century Manueline. 9.

The Cultural space of the square Jemaa el-Fna square Jemaa el Fna of Marrakech Marrakech is a very special place and it is considered by UNESCO as Intangible Heritage by represent a unique concentration of Moroccan cultural traditions represented through music, religious and artistic expressions. These oral expressions have been continually renewed by bards (imayazen), who used to travel through Berber territories. They continue today by combining words and gestures to teach, entertain and Captivate the audience. So, if you are planning to visit Morocco, these do not miss spectacular places world heritage of UNESCO. They can stay in one of the fantastic hotels in Marrakech, or in a typical riad in Marrakech, as well as in a villa in Marrakech. Come to Morocco and enjoy the culture, history and architecture of this wonderful and fascinating country. Original author and source of the article.