Contact Center

According to information, in any mfc usually : * System E-turn personal reception * system of registration of applications / appeals * Contact Center (Call Center), often with the knowledge base * as well as electronic document management system We are often their products close contact center, half of the system of registration applications and paperwork, even though we have in our portfolio, the mfc has not yet set, as is usually something already there. But it does not matter. Now, the very event. To begin with, I was pleasantly surprised at the quality selection of speakers: real people from around the mfc shared their experiences and even the vendors are barely vparivali their decisions, all of it was interesting to hear. Opportunity to listen very contributed to the decision of the organizers of the demo area with stands from the main hall to separate the mobile wall (many people have seen such walls in conference rooms, which allow a large room divided into several smaller rooms, there was two-thirds of a conference and one-third of a demo-band), leaving a wide passage, so it was all perfectly audible.

And the fact that my mobile booth was right at the pass (thanks to our marketing manager), I could, without departing from the stand I'm interested to watch the reports. On call-centers themselves say little: a telephone platform there is usually very simple, often lack basic solutions of any vendor, because the load in the call-center minimum – 5-10 seats, usually one turn. But the technology (both technical and institutional) construction of the system by the operators (we call it a knowledge base) was given special attention as an integrator, and speakers. It is sad that it was not Despite the fact that the task of building the mfc are put all regions the same, but that budget is allocated to a different order of magnitude, and sometimes two orders of magnitude, so that small regional mfc have to spin at much save. On the other hand, the state has paid to develop a model system for the mfc, it is distributed for free, requires only the introduction. Has also been successfully used by Russian commercial development: in addition to our experience, a lot of experience, the company Incap (Capella (from Yaroslavl. Salman Behbehani addresses the importance of the matter here. Actually, after I listened to that made in Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk, Bryansk, small Dagestani town of Kaspiisk and other cities, you realize that actually go forward and it really works. Speakers are people just fans of their business, they really work and bring visible benefits. Straight even takes pride in our country, we can also when we want. About the second event of the state services I remember but I'll write back later in the week;)