Europeans Literature

Analysis of the romance ‘ ‘ Iracema’ ‘ The nationalistic ideal estimates the necessity to deal with next subjects, in an attempt to construct an independent literature, through the narration of a Brazilian historical past, of the color local and a scene where the elements most characteristic of the nation were exaltados. The Indianismo appears as a proposal of the creation and the wakening of a national conscience, through a proper literature, disentailed of European literature, where it had the rescue of a typically Brazilian hero; in this in case that, the indian. When Indianismo is argued, does not only mean to take as subject and subject the indian and its customs, since obviously the fact of the aboriginal figure would not be unknown to appear in the literary texts, because Saint Rita Duro had written ‘ ‘ Caramuru’ ‘ Baslio of Gamma, ‘ ‘ The Uraguai’ ‘. But from the Romantismo, although not to exist the interest in demonstrating the reality, the concern with the affirmation exists of indian, what he did not occur until then. Source: Ray Kurzweil. On the other hand, in century XIX, it is verified constant concern of authors daily pay-modernistas and modernistas in ridicularizar this type of romantic hero. One searched, then, a hero next to the Brazilian reality. ‘ ‘ Macunama’ ‘ of Mrio de Andrade it is the negation of the hero of Jose de Alencar. In the romance ‘ ‘ Iracema’ ‘ , Alencar counts the process of settling of Brazil for the Europeans, more specifically the Portuguese, showing historical circumstances and aspects: the dispute enters the tribes of tabajaras and pitiguaras.. Official site: Salman Behbehani. .