Latin American

(CACCIAMALI, 1983) In this vision, the modern-traditional dichotomy is kept. Thus, leaving of the same one conceptualization defended for the study in the Kenya, is understood that the informal sector groups all the activities low-level of productivity, beyond englobar diligent independent (done exception to the liberal professionals) and companies very small or not organized. (CACCIAMALI, 1983) the characterization of the informal sector Latin American for the PREALC if shows ampler of what the attempt of the previous study in the Kenya. In synthesis, we have that: (i) formed by a set of activities little capitalized, structuralized on the basis of very small units, low-level technological and scarce or null formal organization productive; (II) the division between proprietors of the capital and the work does not predominate; (III) the wage is not the form most usual to remunerate the work, although the production to be come back toward the market; (IV) in general access is had the stratus of competitive markets or to that they constitute the base of the pyramid of offers of an intent oligoplica structure; (v) is not capable of to determine price (atomizaton of offers), therefore, they do not perceive extraordinary profits. (CACCIAMALI, 1983) Although the sector if not to expand of permanent form, it is not subject to extinguishing.

It is perceived in this point, that the two initial theoretical chains if show divergent. In this last one, one defends now that these activities will be become enlarged, or not, face to the rhythm of expansion of the demand, of the minimum scale of operations for diverse sizes of plant, of the economies of scale and factors politicians. Therefore, the informal activities can be lucrative in short term, but in the long stated period, they tend to lose participation in the market. (CACCIAMALI, 1983) the third theoretical chain, of authorship of Pablo Renato Souza, known as Subordinated Boarding or Theory of the Subordination, believes that a organic relation exists, of complementaridade and subordination of the informal sector before the formal sector of the economy.