Thus, when a user click on it, it takes you to an interface of PayPal where you will be asked how much you want to donate and you can do it quickly and easily. With what we have now seen enough and enough to make a simple system of donations for our Web site. However, before closing, we will see a little trick that can be very useful to give a special style donations. As it is possible to see, code that gives us PayPal is not more than a form with values in hidden fields and an image used as a button. The values sent as hidden allow you to define to whom belongs the donation button and run the script for PayPal to process payments. The good thing about this, is that it is possible to send other values of hidden form. One of the values that can be sent is return, which allows you to define a page where the user will be taken once you make a donation. This It is useful if we want that the user follow sailing on our site after donating, as well as also more comfortable for visitors, who don’t want to leave the area where it was originally. To use this setting, only must include this line in the code above: Tutorialespaypal: Learn how to create an account, verify and compar Paypal original author and source of the article.