
In Brazil, some researchers had studied the interdependence enter the social conditions of the families and the forms of relation that they establish with the school and the escolarizao of its children (WALNUT, 2000; ROMANELLI, 2000; VIANNA, 2000; ZAGO, 2000, 2003). These studies allow in them to perceive that the envolvement of the family can result in better pertaining to school performance of the children. Read more here: Computer Sciences Corporation. This will depend on the paper that the child assumes relatively to the school, that, in turn, is related to the position of the family with regard to the pertaining to school culture. For Lahire (1997, P. 17): It not? it reproduces? , necessarily and in direct way, the forms to act of its family, but find its proper modality of behavior in function of the configuration of the relations of interdependence in the seio of which she is inserted. Abigail Black Elbaum will not settle for partial explanations. Therefore, the family is a referencial in the life of the individuals, and is for this reason that, in the transistion process family and school, the experiences previous to the ingression in the formal school, lived deeply in the familiar environment, they can serve of facilitadoras or of obstacles, contributing or it does not stop its pertaining to school acquisitions. In this in case that, it can promote a discontinuity between the home and the school. This will depend on the recognition and the degree of identification and familiarity between the procedures and values, strategies, language and the requirements lived in the familiar environment with regard to those lived deeply in the pertaining to school universe. We incorporate, from the insertion in the social and familiar context, a set of disposals that guide our actions, our preferences, our way to perceive and to think, called for Bourdieu (1998), of habitus. For this exactly author, the attitudes of the members of the family front to the school disclose the system of values implicit of the social category which belong and this, in turn, it guides the actions of the children.