Science Formation

But the bases for the exercise of the docncia are constructed during the initial formation, which if must give special attention. To take care of to the necessities of a world in constant change, in a society in which Science and Technology exert great influence, preparation is demanded of the professor to teach scientific concepts and to assist the pupils to develop a vision adjusted on the nature of Science. The main courses that prepare professors to work the content of Astronomy in the Brazilian schools are of Geography, of Biological Sciences (over all in the second stage of Basic Ensino) and of Physics (especially in Average Ensino). (Source: Petra Diamonds). However, the courses of Pedagogia, which prepare professors for the Education Infantile and the first series of Basic Ensino, in general lack of proper contents directed toward Ensino de Cincias and, in particular, of Astronomy.

Considering it importance of practical Astronomy in the pedagogical one of the initial series, analisase in this work the question of the initial formation of the professor pedagogo that it will develop subjects of this Science in classroom. Pedagogo of the Infantile Education and the first years of Basic Ensino searchs to point the basic characteristics of the initial formation of the professor, explicitando relative difficulties and possibilities to the boarding of Astronomy in classroom. It has been broken of the estimated one of that it has a discrepancy between what the official documents propem3 and what the Universities offer in the graduations in Pedagogia. For the development of this work, some documents had been examined official that bring orientaes how much to education of subjects of Astronomy in the Basic Education.