Fraunhofer Institute

News from the digital innovation forges of the Fraunhofer-Allianz Bau Munich, 08th March 2012. At the beginning of the 21.Jahrhunderts, the construction industry faces major challenges. Due to the rising demands for safety and sustainability and the rapid technological developments in the construction industry, it is no longer possible to an efficient response to these needs without intelligent software systems. Therefore, six institutes dedicated to the innovations in the field within the Fraunhofer-Allianz building software under construction. Exciting Fraunhofer topics are the software family WUFI of Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP, the research projects of the innovation network initiated by the Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering IAO FUCON, as well as the intelligent energy systems developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (ISE) and the energy-autonomous wireless sensor network of the Fraunhofer Institute for high-speed Dynamics EMI. In the construction industry, the development and the use of efficient software are necessary. Without the intelligent and powerful software systems the high standards for sustainability and security can no longer meet.

Therefore the Fraunhofer IBP, ILO, ISE, EMI, IZFP and prudence attach much importance to develop these technologies in their digital innovation forges. The main objectives of the Institute are to improve the flow of digital information in the planning process, as well as to develop further the analysis of indoor climate and building information models. Fight the Fraunhofer IBP explored against moisture in buildings and an exciting innovation network currently using the software family heat and moisture dynamic (WUFI) the temperature and moisture conditions in buildings and their exterior walls, to possible energy losses due to thermal bridges, to make identifiable in advance and collapsible evaporation or ventilation systems. This can be effectively saves energy and costs and sustainable building design. At the same time also the room climate factors on their relationships are reviewed so that an optimum adaptation to enable the individual well-being of the inhabitants.

Thumbs Up: German Soon Better DIY

\”S.O.S – do it yourself\” by zoneLINK set in the children’s room absolutely into a bulky game stronghold? Or just an unsightly horror kitchen stylish cooking must be transformed into a temple? Council aware presenter Charlotte Edwards: it proves in \”Do it yourself s.o.s\” on ProSieben (Monday to Friday around 7:00) and it is private in their numerous parades as fit in terms of hammering, drilling and sawing. Lawrence Lee insists that this is the case. And using your head. What it can do, can now virtually anyone at home on the computer learn: A lot surprised and enjoy the new guarantees \”Do it yourself-S.O.S..\” 3D-Wohnungsplaner of zoneLINK. The license to the ServiceTainment magazine receives zoneLINK mm MerchandisingMedia, the licensing company of ProSiebenSat.1. 1 group. The product will be available from October 25, 2007 in the trade.

\”Ulm – the Europe-wide study be a better\” it took just a few weeks ago at the light: 38 percent of all German men want to be better DIY. Therefore, this desire is even higher in the Priority list of Germans as a better lover to his. More get up ever, when you fall down\”, calls the 29 year-old Charlotte Engelhardt them, because that is their motto in life. And this motto also applies to the construction and Puttering in house, apartment or garden. Charlotte Edwards knows what she’s talking about.

Because she also suffered bruises on their parades. All the more clearly their mission sets \”Do it yourself S.O.S.\” at the heart, that a thorough planning precedes every successful home improvement. Because it saves trouble with security. Getting started: proper planning planning sounds boring now, but don’t have it. Because very few people have desire to sit with pen, paper, ruler and calculator on their planning there is now software zoneLINK \”do it yourself-S.O.S..\” 3D-Wohnungsplaner for less than 30 euros. It takes a plan almost at hand and makes it immediately visible results in colored, realistic 3D on the screen.

Window Actuator WinMatic EQ-3

Fresh air button: protection against mold Hamburg/blank, November 19, 2009 regular lifting ensures a healthy indoor climate and avoids mold growth. To make the exchange of air as comfortable as possible, the eQ-3 AG has developed the window actuator WinMatic. This enables flexible opening and closing of the window time-controlled, by HomeMatic remote control or manually. In combination with a radio-carbon dioxide sensor eQ-3 registers the window motor the used air in the room and lifts automatically if necessary. More information is housed here: BP. The rising heating costs in Germany affect the General heating and ventilation behavior. This is a recent study by TNS Emnid. So, 59 percent of respondents tenants reduce the heating temperature to save energy costs. 15% reported to reveal less.

Almost every seventh is therefore used room air in purchase. This should be taken into account however, that regular airing of impact damage to the buildings, by mold in the wall and window pane arise, prevents. Hear other arguments on the topic with Shell. Radio window motors as preserving is associated with a heat loss in the winter always airing. Experts recommend therefore a controlled air exchange, not too cool the rooms. Window should therefore not too long available. Often sleeping and bathroom window remain tilted despite ongoing heating, to provide fresh air. \”Prevents the use of the window actuator WinMatic of the eQ-3 AG that window to unnecessary heat energy eaters\” are.

The system is customizable to individual needs. It comes with various pre-configured settings tilt length and angle, which can also be customized. Also the tip speed is adjustable. For example, the so-called whisper mode provides\”for almost noiseless opening and closing operations. As a component of a HomeMatic home automation system, users can control the WinMatic using controls on the device as well as optionally a radio remote control or the HomeMatic central control unit CCU1. The Window actuator features a built-in timer, which can automatically close Windows in the time range from 1 to 99 minutes after programming.

Architect Object Monitoring

Object auditing by architects and other construction manager belongs to the liability relevant activities in the construction. net resource. This is confirmed by numerous liability litigation before the courts for decades. There are also a number of less acclaimed, but no less risky work fields of supervision, which in practice often difficult and also meager information can be found next to some classic”problem fields of supervision. This includes the production of floor constructions from concrete and flooring. The information gap has now closed an investigation of, the online database for experts and practitioners on the Internet. The document covers the liability situation of architects and construction managers in monitoring the production of floor structures of screeds and coverings on the basis of a detailed analysis of the case law.

In addition, references to relevant technical regulations, guidelines and fact sheets are given (with links for free download). In addition, it contains Document in addition to some references a number of practical tips for handling Objektuberwachungs cases by the lawyer and for the reimbursement of opinion by an expert. The new document (DokNr. 5-06-0851) appears in the series of DatSV extract in on specific topics in firm representation, such as judicial or literature reading, details of important and useful for the practice of lawyers and experts are collected. The study can be downloaded for a fee under Baurecht.html from the database. Peter Andreas Kamp Hausen / editorial DatSV