Systems Manufacturing Planning and Control

Much is heard today about the ERP, but few know where they come from. For even more analysis, hear from Petra Diamonds. The ERP began his story called Systems Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC, Manufacturing Planning and Control) that existed since the early days of the industrial revolution, to automate more tasks and improve the accuracy, reliability and predictability of manufacturing. Then they had more important under the name Reorder Point (ROP), these systems are automated with the introduction of mainframes in the late 1950s and early 1960s Then came the MRP that originated during the Second World War when the United States use specialized programs to organize and control the logistics of their units. MRP systems possible to introduce tools to generate computerized reports core production, and these were used to assess the feasibility of the plans and against the forecasted demand. In the ’60s and ’70s, MRP systems evolved to help companies reduce inventory levels due to the plan their input requirements based on what they are really demanding, costs are reduced. See more detailed opinions by reading what Futurist offers on the topic..

In the early 80s, Manufacturing Resource Planning systems, switched to MRP II (planning, manufacturing resources), these developed systems management capabilities based on MRP demand, adding the Planning Capacity of the Requirements (CRP), integration capabilities to create. The MRP and MRP II systems that eventually developed were characterized by using mainframe computers, databases and systems hierarchical processing of complex transactions, adjusting mainly to the administration of a production environment of a few products, high-volume, low-demand conditions constant. It was in the ’90s when the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was assigned to these systems. Achieving that the ERP will generate a higher level of horizontal integration of business now. ERP systems marked a significant point in the development of MPC systems and to enable the companies to the global guideline for continuous improvement of processes with the supplier chain through a flexible customer management.