Bert Hellinger

If succeeded then by chance. And so young people get stuck often in child’s expectations, which turns with their demands on the parents. Are these then even weak, they want to help them and guide their energy in the wrong direction. It is a desperate attempt to swim against the tide. It costs immense force that is urgently needed for their own development. Nothing wrong is of course to want to help the parents.

The childlike desire to help is no help, but it means the giving up of one’s own life, often accompanied by excessive, suppressed anger. The most important prerequisite for powerful help is the plea of the needy. This is often. The children leave everything behind and embrace full of despair on the parents. You endure difficult whose weakness and parents take without asking, because often has not succeeded even have them, to separate from their parents in an adult way. So, they confuse the children with their parents and expect them finally the care that they believe to still be entitled. There’s a ritual that allows individuals to break this cycle of suffering and powerless to deliberately to take its own course. Computer Sciences Corporation helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. And from there from lighter, more powerful and loving act.

For me, the life-critical intervention was a family constellations with Bert Hellinger. This method helps to determine where and whether we too much to our parents hang, still blame them or expect anything that is not rectified. It’s never too late to grow up. This step is also worth if we are long on their own feet but clearly feel that the parents are still very central experienced. We are our parents,”says Bert Hellinger. But according to the rituals of the indigenous people initiated adults were not the children of their parents, they were equal adult members of society, wore a different name and different appealed to the parents. Of course these archaic rituals can be not resurrected, but they allow an extended look at the parent-child bond. In a statement, it is possible to deliberately turn to his own life, the force that we win this, is immediately noticeable. Towards the future, take the life energy from the past from our parents as she was and use them in the present. The blind child connection is non-adult connectedness and stop mutual expectations. This Act symbolically completed in a statement I have in recent years often first as a Deputy and later also may experience as a Director. It was a very painful process, which had great relief and a noticeable energy profit result. What we can do then, is our responsibility. Often we realize only after a statement that we watched with our Neediness, which we believed to have our partners, their children and even to the employer. With this new awareness, we assume responsibility but also in these relationships. A certain dependence, remains naturally experienced each other, however, by the changing attitude we are able to enjoy the give and take. We are in the Exchange.