World Truths

Why the end of the world in 2012? Most of the civilized world knows everything about the predictions contained in the book of revelations in the Bible. Of course, there is an exact date of the end of the world in the verses of the book of revelation. However, there is much more well known predictions that are not found in the Bible and to ensure that these events will happen. All predictions agree on a date for the end of the world: 2012. The date of 21 December 2012 comes from the Mayan calendar. Many people think that just because the Mayan civilization ceased to exist centuries ago, this prediction is meaningless, and argue that these calculations do not coincide with the timeline of our calendar. It is possible that the procession of days have changed throughout history, but humanity cannot change the movement of the stars and planets.

A large number of other astrologically predicted events were also included in the Mayan calendar and have happened at times that they stipulated. It would be very foolish for a smart person like you to discredit the vast knowledge of a people, simply because his time on Earth was a long time ago. The Mayans had an incredible ability with mathematics and astrology. They created not only a timetable for 3500 years, but also a mathematical calculator. The end date of the Mayan calendar is determined using such a calculator and studying the activities of the stars, and this and other Mayan predictions have been tested with modern computer programs used by prestigious institutions around the world. Other sources, same predictions prediction that the end of the world is coming also is reflected in the prophecies of the I-Ching, Merlin, of Cybil, mother Shipton, of the tribes of native Americans, Nostradamus and the Bible. If these sources of information seem too outdated, perhaps the Web Bot program is most useful and will be more effective in your modern mind. Unfortunately the end of the world in the 2012 is closer than ever there are very significant meanings related to the date of December 21 that are already known throughout the world.

This is the day of the Equinox, which marks the beginning of winter for the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere summer. In astrology, the date December 21, 2012 is the date that begins the age of Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a new era, not just for the planet Earth, but for our entire solar system. If you want more information about the end of the world in 2012 please visit the following site or do clik here.

Chair Treatments

Ferrus & Bratos is a dental Centre in Madrid that offers its clients a new concept of dental clinic, with personalised treatments in the hands of trained specialists in different areas of dentistry. This clinic offers its patients comprehensive treatments, performed with the latest innovations in the sector, adapting them to the needs of each patient, allowing them to treat every case as a unique case. Services and treatments that this clinic offers among its procedures on: treatments of implants dental, cosmetic dentistry, gums, dental hygiene, orthodontic treatments. In this sense, it stands out as a clinic of invisible orthodontics or invisaling. ago-55320637.html’>William Lyons Blackstone Medical. This treatment allows the victim put his teeth in the correct position for a comfortable and simple way, without having this susfrir the consistent aesthetic drawbacks which, on occasion, presented the orthodontics, since it consists of a series of totally transparent and removable plates. But, without doubt, the differential value of this clinic is the Special attention that shows in his service to the customer. Sometimes, the visit to the dentist something unpleasant was that we attempted to delay who not is has felt overwhelmed sometime in the dentist Chair? Ferrus & Bratos is aware of this fact, and this not only boasts the most modern progress in dentistry, more effective and less incisive, but it offers a new dental experience taking care to detail the sensations and feelings of their patients.

Therefore it has in its rooms with plasma TV’s on the roof, so that the patient can be treated while you relax watching your favorite program. In this way, patients can occupy your mind and relax knowing that they are in the hands of highly qualified specialists. The clinic is fully adapted to accommodate disabled people, since it has no architectural barriers and also has a spacious reception and two comfortable rooms waiting where both patients, as companions, can relax before and after receiving your treatment.