Bilabiales Snap

the denomination of the blades on the part of the child and which are recorded the dislalias and PSF minor present. To compare both test found the following points to consider: the T.A.R. allows to determine the actual execution of the child but does not know if the child uses the linguistic repertoire that has. His version is also long, often bored or concerned evaluated child ends. The Fonoarticulatorio test lets you know the use that the youngest of his language, has since the answer is through the denomination, but if the examiner does not repeat the words considered to be wrong, the child may have erroneous results (false positive) when determining dislalias and PSF. Finally both test evaluation are based to determine the outcome, in the knowledge about the phonetic articulatory and phonological development of children.

It is here where the language specialist interprets information according to scales of development and their clinical experience. For the construction of the Software, SPAV, collected the following guidelines based on the above detailed information: the test should consider the mode of designation and repetition, to ensure results and minimize the false positive. You must be of short duration to avoid the fatigue of minors. Similar to the T.A.R. should maintain the structure of Group of phonemes in Bilabiales, Labiodentales, dental, alveolar, palatal, Velar, diphone vowel and consonant to maintain an order of presentation. The phonemes should be evaluated in syllable initial, middle and final to determine the presence of dyslalia.

They were not considered due to the following snap phonemes: many of the snap phonemes are omitted or replaced by cultural influence, e.g.: avocado PARTA. Snap phonemes are late acquisition so its influence is smaller in the test result. Many of the snap phonemes are difficult to draw or illustrate with images. Neither were considered the polysyllabic words due to two factors: the words polysyllabic similar to snap phonemes are late acquisition and require an appropriate development of phonological awareness and auditory integration (Acosta, V.