Blood Problem

How do you recognize a problem in the blood? If by the end of the day you feeling of heaviness in the legs, and favorite shoes are too tight due to pulmonary edema, then it’s time to go to the doctor. Periodic case, cramps, pain in the calves should also be alerted. Noticeable changes in the veins of the eye usually begin with small – with the appearance of spider veins. Further irreversible processes in large veins, they come to the surface, their walls are thinner in some places and they look like gnarled. Treat, not to pardon! Should refute the conventional wisdom is that varicose veins – a purely cosmetic problem. In fact, the patient’s condition deteriorates (if you have spider veins, you should not expect that their case and limited), and ignoring the problem is fraught with very unpleasant complications. These include trophic ulcers, thrombosis and even death – in that case, if the clot detaches and falls with the blood flow in the vessels of the lungs. Hush going to last longer lechish The earlier revealed varicose veins, the less long and difficult way of getting rid of the problems will choose a doctor.

Diagnosis is usually made a special ultrasound examination, during which the doctor ascertain in what condition are your veins, and assigns the appropriate treatment. In the initial stages of the disease well help medicine, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as elastic wraps. For the latter uses a bandage, the old-fashioned, or special clothes, which are chosen individually to suit your size, and purchased with a prescription. For 5-6 sessions heals not running varices sclerotherapy – a special procedure, during which a patient vein injected through a syringe medicine. Even faster, in 3-4 sessions of laser therapy can get rid of the asterisks. However, if the process had gone too far to return to its former beauty legs can only operation. Usually it is to remove some way or other problem areas of veins. Do not worry, on your feet will not be unsightly scars. This procedure is widely used special technology that allows not only to avoid the traces, but also to walk independently after only 4-6 hours after surgery.