English School

Next to choose where to go – to finish it. Gymnasium (gymnazium) begin with a 6 th grade to the end of 12-13-year study. They can come in after the 5 th grade (but tests in April) and the 2 nd method is carried out after the 9 th grade elementary school. Thus, programs learning in secondary schools are divided into 4-year-old and 8-year-old. Can I come in the middle – it is necessary to clarify, I do not know. Gymnasium has a more serious level of teaching subjects. After they usually go to go to college.

More There are high schools – but it's just a vocationally oriented 'spacer' between the university and finished 9 th classes. In our college or technical school. In Czech: stedni kola. There also is a professional orientation, slope (Computer, management, etc.). By the way, in the Czech Republic is very thorough approach to the study of foreign languages – as the country is on the 'crossroads' of Europe. So that the English in the game, and an unobtrusive way – you will be given to any 'Basic' school, plus a second language from 7 th grade in the bargain. In high school just a choice of languages can be more: 3 to choose from. (But it is also individually.) So what difference where to learn English, special no.

So, if found on the Internet school in your neighborhood – and even then they were revered sites (in terms of number of classes, the presence of disks, dining room, , stadium, etc.) – then it'll still need to go talk to management. Since the admissions process all same individual. Are friendly. We have not even on the 'address of residence' – that is, near the intersection of our three schools, we have chosen, which is harder – and gone, although it was not 'attributed' to the street. First sent to 'Their', and then half-way deployed – said 'take'. It all depends on ratings and promising student. Advance say in mathematics you the best in class! It does not matter who – in Russia is still in this plan more students. Yes and no also want to – before going to the school office to dial a phone number and agree to call your name and class, which is going to – when you want to come to talk – and write the name of whom you speak. Schools usually closed for a period of lessons and the 'vratnitse' will have to tell where you are going and for what purpose. After that you will run. Yes, all gymnasiums and schools, there are open days (in February, many schools have already seen, a set of 1-st class also conducted in February). If you still remember the information – I'll write. Or better still – ask questions. I could only make a mess with the numbers a bit. Since we are only in 5 th grade we go (And I only this year, was surprised to learn that the standard 'Elementary school – with the first teacher – they have completed 5 th grade!)