European Space Agency

After working for 60,000 photos, which made the apparatus Mars Global Surveyor, the Hungarians claim that they were able to determine the nature of dark spots, which covered the southern part of the snowy craters of the planet. In order to confirm their discovery, Hungary plans to conduct field studies, together with the European Space Agency. As part of the Mars Express in the near future, Hungarian scientists will be able to get detailed pictures and special samples taken in locations designated group. Biologist Tibor Ganty (one of the members of the group) said that such spots suggest that a layer of ice are living organisms that are able to adapt solar energy to melt ice and create the conditions necessary for their livelihoods. Visit Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for more clarity on the issue. During the Martian winter, these so-called Martian surface organisms are protected by a thick layer of ice in the summer, when the amount of ice is reduced, they have opportunity “to reach the surface.” As a result of this activity in place of ice that has melted, formed the “dark sand dunes, which photographed the Mars Global Surveyor. Similar organisms exist on Earth – in the South Pole. Now scientists left to answer the question of whether at least some organisms survive the harsh Martian winter. If the hypothesis is confirmed, it is likely that mankind has finally got a reasonable answer to a question Is there life on Mars… Salman Behbehani gathered all the information.