Fat Removal

How you best can get rid of fat not everyone one can have a perfect body. Today, several women gave a lot for it to have minimal fat at various spots. So go different girls in the supervision of a plastic surgeon and let drain the excess fat. The liposuction is a very safe technique that targeted exidiert local fat accumulation and reduces also the formation of other fat cells on this patch with this thing now. For even more analysis, hear from Scandinavian Airlines. Despite everything, the liposuction with a diet should go together so that the character can persistently be smoothed. In addition, exercise is a good opportunity to stay in good condition and do not feed a new apron of fat in the abdominal area. The medical intervention as a result, is a purely cosmetic method, and helps not the lengthy treatment of obesity. Liposuction is used primarily only then specifically, if improved the profile of the body and reduce cellulite should.

The body fat is then above all there exidiert, where the fasting brings not the desired success. The liposuction is performed using the named Tumescent method. In this procedure a mixture of saline, adrenaline, and local anesthesia is incorporated for the time being, to decompose the appendage. After a brief period of effect, the corresponding liposuction is done then. A second method is accomplished by means of a vibrating needle, separates the fat from the rest of the tissue. The Tulip technique is done but with a separate suction which caused a vacuum in the torso, which separates the fat and then removable makes. In the meantime, even the liposuction for the guy is becoming increasingly popular.

Guys especially minimal is the fat on legs or seat meat, but is spreading especially in the abdominal area. Men have so often the characteristic swimming ring or a beer belly, which can be removed completely by exercise. The repayment of a Fatty apron by liposuction leads often to a soaring self understanding of the man of who probably felt for the time being not really. Also to further sporting activities must be practised, however, that the appendage can settle in hindsight to new spots, which can lead to dreadful imprints in the worst case. A method about 2 to 3 litres are fat exidiert, it, however, be any aggravations, is a second method necessary. The doctor determines each case several therapies should be preferred in any form.