Form Knowledge

In turn, the necessary pupil to exceed the liabilities paper, to listen, to read, to decorate and of faithful repeater of the teachings of the professor and to become creative, critical, searching and operating, to produce knowledge. In partnership, professors and pupils need to search an auto-organization process to have access the information, to analyze, to reflect and to elaborate with autonomy the knowledge. (BEHRENS, 2007, P. 71) Some pupils easily do not accept this change in the form to teach and to learn, therefore they are accustomed to soon receive everything from the professor, and wait that it continues ' ' giving aula' ' , as synonymous of it to say and the pupils to listen. Some professors also criticize this new form, because it does not seem a way to give lesson, but to be playing of lesson. However, what one expects, he is that the pupils are conscientious of the necessity of if having knowledge, and are the responsible ones for its acts in the construction of the same. As he occurs in relation to all the other resources, however, she is necessary that he learns to use the Internet.

It has necessity of the professor to guide the pupils regarding as to direct the use of this resource for the activities of research, search of information, construction of the knowledge and elaboration of works and monographs. This orientation is basic so that so rich instrument of learning if does not transform into a caprichada form of glue of texts? how before he was done with texts of magazines or xerografados books of the library? yes that it represents a possibility of elaboration of works that are production of the knowledge, personal fruits of the reflection and studies and quarrels in group not only copies of written texts already. (MASETTO, 2007, P. 161) Therefore, more than to present and to decorate contents, the pupils need to learn to have access them, to think and to reflect on them.