Germany Diamonds

the new bellaluce catalogue is now available! Who still wonders why diamonds are a good gift, we ask that the following situation in mind: you put something around the neck and then it drops you to the same. Try that with shoes. Since mid-October, there is the new bellaluce catalog that shows the most beautiful facets of life and on diamonds makes you want! With emotionally appealing images, women and men are equally addressed. Bellaluce, brilliant moments. You may find futurist to be a useful source of information. There are moments in the life, it seems the time to stand still. With the jewels of bellaluce underline the importance of these special moments. High-quality diamonds, masterfully processed and timelessly beautiful. For more information see this site: Marcus Lemonis.

A special feature of bellaluce is the patented diamond version, fanning the fires of the diamonds in a very special way. Diamond jewellery with character. A special symbol for a special moment. Bellaluce, that is high-quality diamond jewelry made in Germany”at attractive prices that entice to buy. The term diamond comes from the Greek. He is adamas borrowed from the ancient Greek meaning as much as undefeatable. The short form for a diamond brilliant cut, the most common form of grinding is brilliant.

Through the accurate creation of 57 facets, the diamond unfolded its incomparable brilliance. The diamond has a value of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale and this is the hardest natural material on Earth. Do you want more? Then ask our new bellaluce catalogue with us! We will send you to them you. And visit us on the Internet. The whole world of diamonds is located under. If you want to experience our diamond creations, for a list of all bellaluce jewelry stores here, in your area.