Munich Tel

The Fund MPC open fleet amounted to the Sales Commission on legendary 26.5% of the capital invested by the investors. This clarifies not explicitly on the prospectus, still investors known to us were informed about this in the consultation, unless the Advisory Bank, such as the sale of the Fund make CITIBANK (now: TARGOBANK), nor by other consultants. High risk by borrowing in Japanese yen as a part of the Fund “MPC open fleet”-MS “Santa B ships” GmbH & co. KG – on loan in JPY was recorded, the revenue of the Fund but in US$ are achieved, there is a significant currency risk. Increases the value of the yen against the US$, which was the case in the past, must the Fund significantly more US$ apply for interest and any repayments as planned.

As a result, the soil is removed from the entire calculation of the Fund. Increases such as the value of the yen against the US$ 35 per cent and has 50% of its loans to the Fund recorded in yen, increasing the burden on interest rate and repayment to 17.5%. This may affect the Fund’s insolvency. The Fund due to missing revenue not able to service the loans in full, can cause the credit notice with subsequent recovery of Fund ships and a total loss for investors. Should the situation of the Fund not drastically improve, even the termination of the credit could be threatened when some one-ship companies due to the unfavourable exchange rate developments and the missing revenue in 2012. On these risks, the consultants had investors of the Fund MPC open fleet Santa must expressly indicate B ships.

No secondary market for “used” Fund holdings – investors arrive until 2023 no longer their money fund investors we represent “MPC open fleet”-MS “Santa B vessels” GmbH & co. KG has been by their advisers also concealed, is that you may not terminate the participation before the 31.12.2023. Previously no her chance Money to come. A sale is almost impossible as there is no regulated secondary market for used Fund investments. Is also extremely unlikely, that she, should a buyer be found, invested the capital as the price received. Here regularly significant cuts are added. Investors of the Fund MPC open fleet – MS “Santa B vessels” mbH & co. KG have therefore fundamentally good opportunities to enforce claims for compensation against their advisors or the founding shareholders of the Fund. Have questions about your Fund’s contribution to the MPC Fund Santa B ships mbH & co. KG? You want to know whether what your chances are to enforce claims for compensation? Call us, we are happy to help you. Your contact person Michael Minderjahn, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855