Papirus Involved

When of the presentation, some quarrels with the pupils of the school had been carried through involved. By means of these quarrels, the group saw the necessity of modifications during the presentation of the subject. As the angular moment, it can be treated by means of vectors, in the presentation had been explained as the conservation of the angular moment through the same ones occurs. In this part of the presentation, it was verified that the pupils had not very understood well the used advertorial treatment in the presentation. In accordance with this concern, was used an educative software, extracted of the international Educational Object Bank, called trigonometrical cycle for the visualization some angles notables used in the conservation of the angular moment.

After, this demonstration, the pupils of the involved school had started to fill the questionnaire, with the questions that the evaluation aimed at on the employed method. In accordance with the data of the questionnaire all the pupils had obtained to visualize the involved interdisciplinary in the project, satisfying the proposal of PCN +. On the question that involved basic trigonometry, 90% of the pupils had obtained to answer, situation which expected an inferior percentage during the presentation. In the question, that involved the experiments, and in accordance with quarrels between the academics, in if treating to the platform exclusively, could be observed that 60% of the pupils had more than had greater advantage of same for the agreement of the conservation of the moment angular. Advice of classroom and evaluation: Perspective in the pedagogical management of the school.