Electric Vehicles

Russians favorite cars made in China, including Chery Tiggo and other models known company, encouraged by low prices in and the prevalence of spare parts. In every corner of Russia you will find the service stations operating with spare parts Cherie Chigoev. If you are a fan of the brand Chery, the information outlined below will give you. Company Chery plans to establish a production line for fuel-efficient engines Wankel, designed for electric vehicles. Chinese manufacturer of giant intends to exploit the patent Chevrolet Volt, where the internal combustion engine serves as a generator to produce electricity. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mitchel Resnick. Using rotary-piston engine has its own advantages and disadvantages. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger may not feel the same. The main disadvantage is the high fuel consumption, and among the many advantages include small size and high power, making the use of this engine is ideal for this purpose. According to preliminary information, the engine must have a capacity of 0.8 liters, a test model will be known to everyone Chery qq, the predecessor of Russia's favorite Chery Fora.

For your information, Parts Chery Fora largely identical replacement parts later models. The media became aware that this modification is capable of clean energy to overcome the distance of more than 170 km. Recall now that the standard range of 100 km. Undoubtedly, this information lends weight to the positive characteristics of this design, the more so, both solutions are costly, taking in view of the cost of spare parts Cherie (wholesale). For comparison, If the model Volt, the diesel engine increases the distance of 8. The question is one: On the right is a Chinese manufacturer with advanced technology, because before the company Chery did not work with the Wankel engine. Unfortunately, we do not know the date of introduction of technology into practice, however, says much about how it will happen very soon. "Advanced" motorists brand Chery Post pleased that the Ministry of Industry and Technology of China issued a permit for introduction into the market two new models of Chery with an increased range of travel on pure electric power – Sedan A5 (code A21) and hatchback S18. In these models will also use the solution used in the Volt, the so-called E-REV (Extended-Range Electric Vehicle). We still await more detailed information about technical parameters of electric vehicles.

Car Maintenance

Filling of car – a process that includes several stages. In order to clarify the status of car – it is necessary to its diagnosis. First, visually check the condition of the air conditioner and the device for mechanical damage, spots, stains, etc. masla After the specialist auto technical checks of ambient noise and beats when the air conditioner. You may find that EXL Service can contribute to your knowledge. Then check the pressure of the refrigerant system conditioner. For this gauge manifold hoses are connected to the ports for charging and gauge readings collector, expert draws conclusions about the pressure of refrigerant at the discharge side and suction. By rule, the main fault in the air conditioner car are due to refrigerant leakage.

In this case, the main task of the expert – is to find a leak (using special equipment to detect leaks) and determine what is its cause. The next stage of the expert – is the elimination of leakage, leak check the entire system and filling the air conditioner. Before charging, you need to do evacuation system to remove moisture and air. Only after this procedure can be refilled refrigerant in air conditioning. Filling is performed by measuring the collector or automated filling stations. Very often there problems in the air conditioning because of the unskilled service, refueling, or repair the air conditioner. If you do not refuel or vice versa refill refrigerant, in the near future, this could lead to failure of the its compressor. Perform repair or maintenance of automobile air conditioners without special equipment is very difficult and that's not enough just to have practical skills. In order to perform maintenance maintenance and refueling of air conditioners on high professional level, requires serious theoretical training, the understanding of the processes occurring in the automotive air conditioning systems, knowledge modern nomenclature of spare parts and the latest technological developments in this area. Thus, it is strongly not recommended to refer to unskilled craftsmen, repair and refueling in air conditioners makeshift conditions.

Equipment Plating

It should be noted that the purchased equipment is not necessarily look as "equipment for electroplating," or "equipment chroming ". Usually, the first step in marketing research is an attempt to find the approximate value of the minimum set of required equipment. However, due to the variety of options are shiny chrome and as a consequence, the differences of hardware design processes, a likely price information can be obtained only through a particular technology, which the customer must have the time equipment selection. The equipment for chrome plating may comprise from 2 to 30 bathrooms. Therefore, the estimated cost of the middle segment as informative as it might be informative of an average temperature patient in the hospital. Conclusion: The market research galvanic equipment necessary to start, based on a particular technology, rather than an abstract desire to do chrome plating. Chrome plating.

These are the pies What such a complex technology in decorative chrome plating? Let's start with the easiest way to overlay chrome directly on the steel, followed by mechanical polishing. Hardware design, production area, consumption of reagents and water – are minimal. However, this process has some significant drawbacks and officially be called a chrome protective and decorative for the following reasons: a) the chrome coating is porous and protects the metal substrate against corrosion with a thickness ranging from 20? 50 microns (with a through-thickness pores overlap). Impose such thickness is not profitable due to high energy costs and lengthy process. Small thickness coating product is not protected from corrosion and a high probability of complete removal of the chromium layer by polishing sharp edges.

Car Alarms

Then open the driver's door from inside. On some models of cars, you will not succeed. Therefore, Reach, and open the hood. If alarm system worked, it means that everything is ok. If not, it should definitely put another one. Do not trust what is written in the instructions to the machine. Sometimes there is a record of the presence of signaling, but its not. And turn it off at the station can have authorized dealer.

This is done very easily. One way to close the sensor opening hood and all. Your alarm is remote central locking. Manage the locks would stick, and keep cars there. Then you of the alarm should be included, of course for the money, or put another. So since we are trying to get some more money. So we figured out with alarm, but this is the first and cheapest step to protect your car.

Further, if you have a car with automatic transmission, I recommend to put a lock on the box. They are pin without pin. By efficiency, they are identical, the only difference is convenience. In the pin when you need to unlock pull the pin and where to put it. In no whip you in the center console out the core. All management is key (just like in the apartment), he turned to one side, closed, opened at another. And even within passed the motion pin, which locks the box. But it is more expensive, though not by much. Often manufacturers dragon, BEAR-LOCK, MUL-T-LOCK. As for the quality they are virtually identical. Why did I say about the automatic gearbox, because when the machine standing in the parking lot, with a closed lock, it can not roll. If you put a block on a mechanical box, then under its own power machine: whether it be Chevrolet or Opel, or any other model, will not go away, but roll, replacing the clutch can be. Therefore, the unit performs the same role as the alarm system or immobilizer, and put it on the mechanics of a waste of money. Of course in different brands of car locks effectiveness varies. For example, on mercedes or bmw efficiency is very high. And on toyota volkswagen, or below, as there is access to the gear box under the hood. But all the same under the hood you can put special breakaway screws, which are not allow to bypass the lock box.