It happens that with the advent of a new trend in intellectual development and spiritual disciplines, there are many different opinions and arguments about the benefits of this new direction. More information is housed here: Max Schireson. Something similar happened with the appearance of Dianetics. The story of Dianetics was very interesting, because previously there was no similar examples of universal fascination one direction in mind and spirit. Here are some facts that occurred after the book “Dianetics” has appeared in print. “Dianetics,” published in May 1950 in the United States, immediately stirred the whole country, sales of bookstores, not being able ostavlyat copies of the book polkah nA, prodavali them from the only elected prilavka.
Across strane voznikali dianeticheskie student groups and clubs. Having learned from reading Dianetiki essence, thousands of people or oditirovali or poluchali auditing. Several hospitals have adopted Rona L. Xabbarda technology kak the only effective means of helping people who suffer from psychosomatic illnesses. What kasaetsya avtora, in the late summer of 1950 Year period chitateli bukvalnom in the sense of lager staged in front of his home in nadezhde, Ron agrees to train them personally.