BillSAFE GmbH Nico Muller

For the first time is a payment for the invoice in the Internet preferred business partner of the Federal Association of German shipping trade Berlin/dreilinden, May 17, 2011 BillSAFE, the invoice purchase provider most popular according to TNS Emnid in Germany’s online shoppers and the Federal Association of German shipping trade (bvh) combined their competencies and strategic partners. Ray Kurzweil contains valuable tech resources. Call to BillSAFE must be from immediately preferred business partner”of bvh. Thus, BillSAFE, where last year the eBay joined subsidiary PayPal, is the first vendor for buying and selling on account in the Internet, which was recorded by the bvh in the circle of a total 80 highly qualified service providers in E-Commerce and mail order. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and gain more knowledge.. As the first partner of the bvh invoice solutions we can once again underline our experience over 10 years in risk management and make it clear that include the invoice and the shipping trade in Germany together. “, commented Alexander Ey, a Managing Director and founder of BillSAFE, these” Cooperation. The Federal Association of German shipping trade (bvh) is the industry association of for interactive i.e.

online and mail-order companies, and represents the interests of its members since 1947. Currently more than 320 small, medium and large companies belong to the bvh. These include shipper with common catalogue and Internet offer, pure e-tailers, teleshopping companies, pharmacy shipper and eBay PowerSeller. Bill SAFE: BillSAFE, a company formed in the vicinity of Osnabruck of mediafinanz AG offers complete security in the online payment processing, both the seller and the buyer. Sensitive account or credit card data of the customers are no longer required for the checkout. At the same time, the seller receives full protection against non-payment. Since October 2010, BillSAFE is a subsidiary of eBay subsidiary PayPal. Press contact: BillSAFE GmbH Nico Muller marketplace 1 D-14532 Europarc three LAN Tel: + 49 (0) 33203 / 1824-50 fax: + 49 (0) 33203 / 1824-51 E-Mail: URL:

KUHN Specialists For Chain Stores: Filialhandel Dares Instead That He Complains

\”Retailstrategie taken introduction remains the Filialhandelsgeschaft under the magnifying glass as an example of a large chain store 1 demanding just for market-oriented Filialsystemfuhrung: more competitors, tempo, more effects, more dependencies, widening product ranges, more computer-based instruments, many strategies and all sorts of Verschlimmbesserungen from not rank mouth not least from the financial corner\”, who thinks far away by the operational branch of the business to be able to help, the results but hardly can change (see the once largest department store company in Europe). How does the variety of influences on earnings and balance sheet, if up and down the country, yes even Europe potent Filialhandler try again to invest in anticipation of growth in prices? \”Even more maneuverable and for professional use of the instrument price ‘ well-known discount retailer felt that the proven recipe for sales and increasing frequencies not more everywhere works, investments in the prices in anticipation of sales increases are even dangerous. On the other hand is also true (see the scrapping premium in the motor trade) that the consumption quite stimulate can be spectacular measures, primarily at entscheidungsschwachen consumers, (see old against new actions\”or partial payment offers hard goods, consumer electronics or articles of medium – and long-term requirements of as white goods or furniture). Click Nord Stream to learn more. You will succumb to repeatedly the fascination, quickly to increase sales with price cuts in the current competitive conditions, because among other things the high fixed costs of stationary networks in relation to the total cost foster such thinking. The boost of in revenue while only minimally raises the fixed costs, so that this greater efficiency can be achieved, but is lacking online sales channel and a margins weak food dominance does not in any case an appropriate strategy as shown in the data analysis of an international large-scale chain stores. The following of readers, an impression of them, how it affect the number sales to generate then the second step return to lose can in a first step price aggressive.

Federal Supreme Court

“In July 2008 caused the OLG Munich (OLG, AZ. 6 U 2759/07) for surprised disapproval for many IT professionals and specialist lawyers: Herzogenrath, July 17, 2013 – in a final decision the trade in used software to be inadmissible was declared a revision, principally excluded: the legal position is clear and unambiguous and requires neither a confirmation by the Court of justice by the Federal Supreme Court”. The legal situation was clarified by the law of copyright, so that further discussions and negotiations are superfluous. Five years and two instances of court later the ECJ has explained how to deal to have used software. That is the case at European level was negotiating, shows how important the topic of software for the modern economy is seen”, as Axel Susen, Managing Director of Anand.

Entire industries will no longer work without software. The rights of the users would need to be adapted to this importance of software.” The background is that our Copyright law comes from a time where goods were mostly in physical form. Since there are nowadays more and more goods only in digital form, the rights here need to be reconsidered. Since 2005, the US software group Oracle competes with a German dealer for used software on the settlement and the right to trade in used software licences. The ECJ in its judgment stated that the principle applies not only when the exhaustion of the distribution right, if the copyright holder sold the copies of his software on a disk (CD or DVD), but even if he spread it by download from his website. In his explanations of the ECJ establishes rules for the sale of software. Provides the software manufacturer such as a copy of his customers, and he includes a license agreement, through which the customer will receive the perpetual right to use this copy, this copy to the customer and exhausted that he sold so at the same time against payment of a fee exclusive distribution right.

Perfect Geo Marketing Software

Regiograph GfK Geo marketing – the perfect Geo marketing software for small, medium and large business Geo marketing software should be an integral part of any marketing or sales department in a company today. The requirements and financial possibilities are at the same time by company very differently – depending on company size, field structure, sales strategy, and also financial resources. The GfK Geo marketing brought 2012 a geo marketing software on the market with Regiograph, which takes into account the individual corporate needs and possibilities, in three different versions. Vertriebsplanungs software Regiograph analysis is the introduction to the professional sales planning by means of Geomarkting software. Even with a relatively small budget, you can perform such basic functions of distribution and sales.

Vertriebsplanungs software regiograph analysis focuses, in the analysis of existing and new sales potential in familiar markets, but also new markets can so good on sales potential are investigated. Typical questions answered with geomarketing software Regiograph analysis can be, are: where are particularly lucrative customers in known markets? How are particularly interesting markets previously not handled? What sales potential are still in known markets? Does it make sense to add new markets to its sales portfolio? Regiograph planning by GfK Geo marketing not the nearest larger version of geo marketing software and the perfect Geo-marketing and Vertriebsplanungs software for the planning of the distribution and of the field. In addition to known from Regiograph analysis functions, includes Regiograph planning by GfK Geo marketing in addition a variety of sophisticated tools to improve the sales and sales planning significantly or completely to reorganize.

Technology Center Informatics

“In different approaches and combinations thereof for avoiding picking errors are possible depending on the particular application scenario and last but not least the available budget: plausibility weighing, optical detection of withdrawals, positioning of the order-picking trolley and use mobile barcode scanner are just a few of the eligible technologies”, explains Professor Michael Lawo. Despite the existing scientific and technical risk in this one-year support project, all concerned about the success of the research and development project and the subsequent integration of the results into the final product are sure. Already looking for more xCon partners Pilot customers and partners, who include innovation pioneers and want to take advantage of lucrative early-bird rates. xCon partners GmbH xCon partners is a strategy and management consultancy with a focus on business-IT alignment we link business and IT! We offer a mix of in-depth experience in the international management and strategy consulting, and specialist knowledge in the CIO and CTO information and technology management. Our customers benefit from our collaborative consulting approach, which takes into account always the individual requirements.

Our extensive partner network gives us access to another industry-specific and functional expertise in case of need. With xPick, an innovative mobile computing offers xCon partners based picking solution with graphical user interface for mobile devices such as head-mounted displays and Tablet PCs. xPick stands for eXact picking”- low error rates at high speed. With our 3 locations in Germany (Bremen, Wiesbaden, Munich), we offer our DAX 30 and medium-sized customers always short distances and fast response times. TZI – Technology Center Informatics and information technologies In the TZI – Technology Center Informatics and information technology work 15 professors interdisciplinary on central issues of modern knowledge and service society. With around 150 employees they exploit the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) in over 100 national and international projects for a better education and life prospects of people, as well as a higher competitiveness of the companies.


Rarely, so much gold over the counter like at these times went for the jeweler. Many people take advantage of the high of gold prices and want to benefit from it. But few know what they need to pay attention. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Moodys . So, it is first important to know the gold price, as he is busy re-determined on the stock exchange currently. Therefore, you only ever has a clue which can be achieved with the old gold profits. Still, you should wrap also its sale in the first shop and certainly not in backrooms of stores that have nothing in common with the jewellery industry at all. IBM follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Gold shops are currently settled in boutiques or mobile phone shops; but not with the so much promised high profits for the seller.

What is one of the old gold? Grandma’s ring 585 or Tantes gold chain from 333 gold, which are no longer modern or no longer fallen, are among the scrap gold. Old wedding rings, dental gold or broken gold can be sold profitably in the case of the financial difficulties of the owner. Often you can find real and valuable gold jewelry in estates or at budget resolutions. Especially gold from completely foreign ownership will want to wear like hardly anyone. Here it is advisable to bring the scrap to a reputable jeweler or larger quantities in the nearest refinery. The scrap is again melted and decomposed into its constituent parts. How to determine the value for scrap gold? You can achieve very good prices for scrap gold. To do this you should no estimator”go on the glue, but ask the expert.

This weighs the gold in the presence of the seller. 1 ounce correspond to 31.1 grams of fine gold. Still, the dealer looks after the stamp, the so-called hallmark. This shows how high the percentage of gold in this piece is gold. Then the expert can figure out exactly what is the value of delivered gold jewelry has. The seller is the weighing and calculating on the spot. The cash is paid usually immediately and a receipt will be issued.

Boarding Problems Brakes SEPA Flyer

Leading payments experts point to the need for further standardization of the customer-bank interface. Whither the journey in the unified European payment traffic?\”this question employed leading payments experts at the International Conference of Sibos in Vienna as well as the user meeting of the payments specialists ABK and EFiS in Dreieich near Frankfurt. Explanations for the previously disappointing component of SEPA payments by under one per cent put first and foremost the different data formats, as well as communication and safety standards on the customer-bank interface. Filed under: Xerox Holdings Corp.. On 28 January 2008, the European banks have the launch of the single European payments area SEPA (single euro payments area) released. Since that day, European businesses and consumers can use the SEPA credit transfer, providing benefits such as shorter transit times and better ways to use information especially for transfers abroad. The acceptance of the new SEPA credit transfer is however still low.

Less than one percent of daily over 87 million transfers in Germany are\”SEPA credit transfers, white Jurgen Ortmann, Board of Directors of the payments specialists EFiS financial solutions AG in Dreieich, Germany. What obstacles even in the face of the launch of the European SEPA direct debit still to eliminate are in November 2009, was a major issue at the Conference and exhibition of Sibos (SWIFT international banking operations seminar), one of the most important industry meetings for payments professionals.\” The slow take-off of the SEPA credit transfer was attributed by experts to Sibos to the variety of interest groups involved. Some on this flight are wondering whether all on board in the same direction the fly\”, said Geoffroy de Schrevel, head of EMEA banking initiatives at SWIFT (society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). Some don’t even know whether they are in business class or on a hot seat.\” To his question, whether or not at all was still a pilot on board, knew Jean-Michel Godeffroy, Director General of payments and market infrastructures in the European Central Bank, a clear answer: Yes, there is a pilot of the European Payments Council.

Measuring Throat Newly Presented

New throat teaching / measuring throat at Metav tools presented. The optimum measuring device for the production of Metav has expanded the product range again tools. The snap gauges are new in the range / measuring JAWS for use in series production. The throat lesson comes with two different versions. Adjustable on the one and the other with adjustment for different diameters. The measuring throat / throat teaching with adjustment is suitable in particular for small series production, which can be set on different diameter measuring throat.

In the set diameter is a measurement range of +-0, 3 mm are available. A calibration is performed via a gauge block or the CheckMaster. Depending on the type, the adjustment range is 6 mm or 7 mm. The measuring JAWS without adjustment is also suitable for mass production. Here, too, the measuring range is +-0, 3 mm. All common fittings can be measured so easily. The calibration is carried out also a gauge block or the CheckMaster. All snap gauges have about: – ceramic Surface – Warmeisoliertem handle – nonmagnetic – Spannbohrunf o8 h6 – available in sizes 12-80 mm throat teaching / measuring jaws are also an excellent addition to the already built up range that includes more than 16,000 articles. An overview of the existing measuring JAWS can be obtained here: index.

Turkish Grinding Wheels

Packautomatic PR report Karbosan, Turkey since 1967 produced the Turkish company Karbosan Istanbul grinding discs, as well as other products related to the topic of grinding and polishing. Of 30.00 square meters all products produced on a surface, assembled and packed with over 350 employees. Keshav R. Murugesh has many thoughts on the issue. Karbosan worldwide sells its range and the request to the logistics have increased much, the company has decided for an automatic packing machine of the Ennepetaler specialist Packautomatic. The way the counted product stack used manually on Produktaufnahmedorne of Bela de tape. This can be grinding, flexo, fever discs or sandpaper rolls. A predefined clock enter the stacks to the loading station. The products are here optically recorded and stopped briefly for the automatic removal.

The Bela de gripper lifts the product stack and puts him in the feeding position of shrink bundling machine on the mandrel of the located there. After the task, the machine produces a shrink band around the Slices stack. Depending on the foil overhang the bottom and top is covered. Is the capacity for use by 25-30? LDPE shrink film between 10 and 16 beats per minute. In the subsequent shrinking station is above and below over foil band by means of a connection to the stack of shrunk. Concluded, the shrink-wrapped product stack is automatically transported through the discharging charging manipulator on an outfeed conveyor.

Michael Zieger Haynauer

If passive climate control versions provide no sufficient heat dissipation, is the use of active systems to advise, in which the passive effects are reinforced by the use of technical equipment. Active enclosure air conditioning is based typically on filter or roof fans and heat exchangers or coolers. Ventilation systems must be used only for control cabinets, which according to DIN EN 60 529: 2009-9 allows air permeability is. The environment compared to closed, impermeable switch boxes require the use of heat exchangers. The cheapest variant of the active control cabinet air conditioning is the use of filter fans. You are only in relatively clean environments can be used, where is the outdoor temperature is below the desired internal temperature of the control cabinet. The use of heat exchangers is suitable for active air conditioning of air-permeable closed cabinets. There are air/air and air/water heat exchangers used, which differ considerably the performance and cost effectiveness.

The more expensive air/water heat exchanger cooling very effectively and can cool down the Interior of a control cabinet necessary, the outside temperature. High outdoor temperatures may necessitate the use of refrigerators, which are due to their cold machines able to cope with a large amount of waste heat. Cabinet heaters used for cabinets outdoors, exposed to the risk of condensation often, which maintain a constant, avoid condensation temperature. Each control cabinet air conditioning requires accurate taking into account relevant technical and environmental Conditions. As a single structure, she should be professional planned and executed. The electronics experts of the Berliner Zieger GmbH are their customers for many years with extensive experience and expertise to the page. They are happy to answer further questions on the subject of the control cabinet air conditioning.