French Logistics Center

With the expansion of the transport management solution to 40 logistics sites in Europe, the world’s leading medical device manufacturer reaffirms his confidence in Transwide. Brussels, July 8, 2013 the Paul Hartmann Gruppe with their headquarters in Heidenheim an der Brenz stands for innovative system offers for professionals in medicine and care. In addition to the requirement of product quality are also the delivery capacity and the logistics strategy of great importance. “According to the motto zero error” therefore entrusted the Paul Hartmann Gruppe for the current and future development of the company on the best logistics technologies and procedures. In 2010, the company decided, at its new Logistics Centre in the French Belleville-sur Saone (48,000 m2), as a pilot project, transport to introduce management solution (TMS) by Transwide based software-as-a-service (SaS).

The goal is to optimize the goods receipts from all production plants as well as suppliers and dealers from all over Europe. Today, after three Years of experience and in view of the successful history of the start project, the Paul Hartmann Gruppe has now supplemented by more Transwide modules their TMSLosung. This not only to win key performance indicators of the French market, rather the management of the company cross-flows of goods across Europe is optimized so that. In our first project, we calculated that the solution would pay for themselves after three months. This has realized and that is the added value of Transwide in all sections of the input chain,”Fabrice explains mast, project manager logistics at Hartmann France. More efficient to manage error-free management of company-wide transport flows to the transport flows between companies in Europe, the Paul Hartmann Gruppe has now introduced Transwide’s solutions at all its 40 logistics sites in Europe including also in Herbrechtingen and Hanover. The French Logistics Center by Paul Hartmann twTrace also to the introduction of the module participants decided, with the the transport chain the status of a shipment from loading to delivery can track.

Unique Business Idea Without Cost Risk

PegStar AG grants 3,000 licenses for unique Internet business that is booming Internet business. And precisely for this reason, it is increasingly difficult to find a business idea, with which it is worth to build a solid part-time job to earn money from home regularly. Often lacking the entrepreneur in PES but the right expertise or experience to build an Internet business. It is not uncommon however also love money, which does not allows the side job-interested to earn money from home. The business idea is maybe, but then lack the wherewithal for the Internet business. Chronic financial difficulties, there is also on many webmasters who operate small Web stores or portals. Technology, purchasing and warehousing – all costs money and wants to be refinanced. Helmut Ament, self-made millionaire, success coach and sole owner of the Schweizer Pegastar AG has wondered across over the years about exactly this phenomenon and developed a comprehensive concept, which it to simplest means money on the Internet can earn without having to move to financial difficulties. s topic.

The resulting unique success concept makes it possible to use a direct Internet business concept to make money without risk of costs or effort. Interested, which is finally out of the vicious circle of love money would erupt and want to make your own Internet business on the legs, or want to expand your Web activities, can earn money themselves with this Unternehmeskonzept. For a monthly fee of 19.95 EUR the prospective buyer and Internet business beginners receives a complete business model presents incl. immediately usable professional Web page! The highlight of it all: The entire contents of the business runs completely automatically. No inventory, no shipping, no customer support. Nothing remains on the application its business URL for the licensee to do. What sounds like a long time study of comprehensive software is in reality itself easy to learn for the uninitiated.

To escalate to this offer but not, Helmut Ament decided to grant only 3,000 licences worldwide. The Internet provides many more possibilities you must only recognize them and take. Helmut Ament shows the way the people in the online business. “I can’t do but more”, he says “for making money I can force anyone”. Further information about this innovative business idea there on company description the McCrazy GmbH home is successful and sustainable in the online marketing sector for over 10 years. As a member of the German direct marketing Association (DDV) is guaranteed for high standards of quality and performance. Company contact: McCrazy GmbH Stefan Appenrodt Marktstrasse 69 37441 Bad Sachsa Tel: 055239529860 E-Mail: Web:

Grand Prize Of The Middle Class Of 2010

Package shipping iloxx on the price list of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung on September 18, 2010 at Wurzburg Hotel Maritim in a festive Gala the most successful companies from Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia won. Baden-Wurttemberg Minister for European Affairs Prof. Dr. Reinhart said before the Award Gala: “Grand Prix of medium-sized companies of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung is a success story, which I am particularly pleased. By a private initiative based has this economic price gradually, purely voluntary organised themselves and without any State funding, becoming one of the most important German economic awards.” Bavaria President master said: “you all know the comforting words addressed to less lucky contestants usually: ‘This is everything’.” But rarely so little Floskelhaftes adheres to these words as the Grand Prize of the middle class. Who here has been nominated, has already received an award of first class alone by this selection. They all have prove that you meet the big business and social responsibility in a special way. High level of motivation, strong identification with the company, deeply rooted in the region, social and voluntary commitment, sustainable, resource-conscious economies and in particular a pronounced awareness of responsibility for the well-being of the company and that its employees, all of which are properties that you have inserted in a remarkable way to the success of your company.” The Nuremberg logistics iloxx the comprehensive development of the company was characterized by one.

This includes involvement in the region, innovation/modernization and service/customer/marketing not only the turnover development and the creation and safeguarding of work and training places, but also exemplary performance in the competition criteria. The business model is a kind of Versanddienstleistungs retail: iloxx buys from the great logistics and many smaller freight forwarders shipping service from the standard package shipping up to combined An air sea land transport en Gros and assumes, based on sophisticated IT services, the elaborate end customer communication by the assignment to the treatment of any future complaints. iloxx was founded eleven years ago during the first e-commerce boom and quickly became software and logistics partner of atrada, ebay and other auction sites. Today, the company employs more than 100 employees and sends each year about 1.2 million packages and tens of thousands cubic meters of cargo for private customers and small traders to travel. The Grand Prix is being staged by the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation of Leipzig. Partners of the Foundation are numerous public institutions and authorities, associations and media. Grand Prix of medium-sized companies goes back to a private initiative, is voluntarily organized and funded exclusively by private. Since the first ceremony in 1995, Grand Prix has become the most important German middle-class competition. Press contact: Jorg Popow

Nemesis Investments AG Recommends Investment In Commodities

Nemesis investments AG recommends investing in commodities nemesis investments AG: nemesis commodity plan as an investment alternative for the middle-class Zurich April 2010. Until a few years ago were considered niche investment commodity investments now oil, precious metals and agricultural products have established themselves as one of the rentierlichsten investment alternatives. Also medium-sized investors begin to explore commodity investments as means for private wealth accumulation. With the commodity plan, the nemesis investments AG has now created a new investment concept integrated commodity certificates, equities, bonds and exchange traded commodity securities (so-called ETCs) in an investment product. Property and commodity investment experience a boom since the subsiding of the financial and economic crisis. Acute inflation fears, as they are fuelled by economic experts in the media almost daily, accelerate this trend and make sachwertliche investments as a safe haven for personal wealth accumulation. In the face of one is worldwide normalizing industrial and consumer demand investment in precious metals, fossil fuels and agricultural products have made but also a reputation as especially yielding investment option. The excellent yield expectations are supported by recent economic data from the United States and China, which forecast a clear economic recovery for 2010/2011.

The Swiss nemesis investments AG anticipates significantly increasing commodity demand in Western industrialised countries as well as in emerging markets for the coming months and years. With the nemesis commodity plan, the nemesis investments AG has created an investment product that even medium-sized customers to benefit from the expected development of demand in the commodity sector can be. From a minimum investment of 20,000 German private households on a concept of investment to participate in, which has not only over a long term high yield potential, but uses at the same time all the essential benefits, the financial centre of Switzerland offers the investor. By the nemesis Spent investments AG in their investment decisions investment policy is based on the principle of diversification and integrates a wide variety of asset classes. The nemesis of commodity plan consider the asset manager of nemesis investments AG including securities exchange traded commodity (ETC) and individual shares, but also commodity certificates. Convertible and warrant bonds are a further focus in the nemesis commodity plan. With this flexible investment strategy the nemesis investments AG may invest directly or indirectly in company, whose business model partly or mainly with the promotion, the processing or trading related to raw materials.

Questions to the nemesis of commodity plan answered the nemesis investments AG, Tel. + 41 43 244 85 85. personal advice appointments to the nemesis commodity plan and all other investment products of nemesis investments AG can also arrange itself under the specified number. About nemesis investments AG, the nemesis investments AG is an established in 1993, Swiss asset management. As Bank-independent asset managers offer a consulting expertise resulting from many years of experience nemesis investments AG staff. The primary segment of nemesis investments AG covers the individual asset management and investment advice. Contact: Nemesis investments AG Anton Meyer Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich phone: + 41 43 244 85 85 fax: + 41 43 244 85 80 E-Mail: Internet:

BillSAFE GmbH Nico Muller

For the first time is a payment for the invoice in the Internet preferred business partner of the Federal Association of German shipping trade Berlin/dreilinden, May 17, 2011 BillSAFE, the invoice purchase provider most popular according to TNS Emnid in Germany’s online shoppers and the Federal Association of German shipping trade (bvh) combined their competencies and strategic partners. Ray Kurzweil contains valuable tech resources. Call to BillSAFE must be from immediately preferred business partner”of bvh. Thus, BillSAFE, where last year the eBay joined subsidiary PayPal, is the first vendor for buying and selling on account in the Internet, which was recorded by the bvh in the circle of a total 80 highly qualified service providers in E-Commerce and mail order. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and gain more knowledge.. As the first partner of the bvh invoice solutions we can once again underline our experience over 10 years in risk management and make it clear that include the invoice and the shipping trade in Germany together. “, commented Alexander Ey, a Managing Director and founder of BillSAFE, these” Cooperation. The Federal Association of German shipping trade (bvh) is the industry association of for interactive i.e.

online and mail-order companies, and represents the interests of its members since 1947. Currently more than 320 small, medium and large companies belong to the bvh. These include shipper with common catalogue and Internet offer, pure e-tailers, teleshopping companies, pharmacy shipper and eBay PowerSeller. Bill SAFE: BillSAFE, a company formed in the vicinity of Osnabruck of mediafinanz AG offers complete security in the online payment processing, both the seller and the buyer. Sensitive account or credit card data of the customers are no longer required for the checkout. At the same time, the seller receives full protection against non-payment. Since October 2010, BillSAFE is a subsidiary of eBay subsidiary PayPal. Press contact: BillSAFE GmbH Nico Muller marketplace 1 D-14532 Europarc three LAN Tel: + 49 (0) 33203 / 1824-50 fax: + 49 (0) 33203 / 1824-51 E-Mail: URL: