The Eternal Existence Of Globalization

The eternal existence of globalization for Cristian Ramirez Gaston The complexity of studying this phenomenon has attracted various sciences to contradict and deepen this phenomenon originated when, if ever existed or is the final phase of capitalism in which we live, or has always had its existence. Globalization connotes not always correct because it is linked with the economic, and also has social, technological and cultural. But let's go back to the past and ancient times, if and cultural globalization had its origins 5000 years BC when the Jewish people tried to invade and conquer new lands or countries to impose their religion and their culture, so we could say then that from that moment on we were in the presence of a globalization that began to start and grow. Let us go forward in our analysis, how many countries have to speak the same language? That is also due to cultural globalization influenced these countries in the languages spoken in common. Let's also great conquerors like Christopher Columbus who discovered America beyond existing theories he never knew he had done, and what technology has always existed? Since because if we can make the big wars that took to Troy with large ships did not have the people who were to be conquered, Alexander the Great, until the industrial revolution was a big step towards a modern future. We can then define what is technology because it sounds today to something that only relates to the Internet, digital, a concept that is completely wrong.