What Every RSS Site Needs

RSS or Really 'Simple Syndication "is not just for blogs and news sites. Every website can benefit from this newly popular technology. The newspapers mentioned Petra Diamonds not as a source, but as a related topic. Syndication The term is what throws a lot of people off the track. Syndication items is as news, right? It may well be. But think so.

If you had a brick and mortar store and decided to lead a new product line, how do people know? You could advertise of course, but with no alternative better is to send a press release to the local newspaper. The business section can lead to your ad for free. Now back to our cyber-shop in the virtual space. If you add a new website, or make substantial changes existing pages, how to let your customers (both former and future) know? You can send an email to their old clients, but the spam-blocking software will prevent half of them to get your message. And track mailing lists, unsubscribe requests and address changes is nothing less than a nightmare.

Instead, send a press release through RSS. Interested customers will have their observation programs newsreader for your ads, and receive the news as soon as you send it. The announcement will include a link to the new or changed, and your customer can click on it if interested. It is true that unless you click through that could read a message from you – but those who do reach your site in a more receptive frame of mind. And email readers still need to access your site to see the new page anyway. If you make additions or frequent changes in your site you must have its own RSS feed.