Cartography Space

The space that is busy for the man, the connections that they are made with the spaces, already demonstrate the linking of the man with half geographic. WNS Global Services follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. If geography is had by many as one disciplines without connection and, consequentemente, without value for the practical life, worse it can be the opinion on the cartography. The daily use of maps and the done extration of the information of road maps, maps on the forecast of the time or the map of the inhabited city, the notion of that these information are on to an area of called science Cartography is vacant. The lack of cartographic knowledge can take people if find in situations where the localization of the desired place being based on the searched map is destorcida, being difficult to dimensionar the space and to locate north and south for example. Demonstrating the importance of the education of geography, more specifically the cartography, in the first pertaining to school years of the child. For thus, to have an assimilation of as it is the inhabited space, as she develops yourself and as if to move in the space, in view of the historical moment where the humanity lives, demanding of the people fast reasoning, the initiative and the efficiency (PISSINATI and ARCHELA, 2007).

2.1. STUDY OF the CARTOGRAPHY the importance of the contact with the cartography in the first pertaining to school years is evidenced by many authors in innumerable works related to the study of the cartography and the form as the same one can and must be applied in the pertaining to school years. Voges and Chaves (2010), through research of field related to the study cartography in the initial series demonstrate that, no longer surrounding pertaining to school, the knowledge of the map brings a superior qualitative change in the capacity of the pupil to think and to see the space.