Center Know-how

Funded training for company Stuttgart, October 2009 – the know-how! AG in Stuttgart was awarded education in October 2009 the AZWV certification (recognition and approval regulation training) for four blended learning measures. Courses to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook from the Microsoft Office package, as well as Windows Vista, is offered by the training company as funded training measures for employees and workers in short-time working, as well as for low-skilled workers. The special feature of the courses funded by the Agency for work according to AZWV and road construction the know-how! AG is the blended learning learning concept, a combination of self learning units and a personal tutoriellen care. By this method, participants gain knowledge unbound place and time independent. An efficient way for companies without extensive seminar organization sustainably increasing the knowledge of the staff. Man with his needs in the Center is with us.

Learning is fun make and the learning outcomes shall be continued. Therefore we offer customizable content and learning priorities, tailored to the personal pace of the individual learner,”depicts Frederick Temple, Board the know-how! AG, the concept. The four courses to the Office software are performed in the form of E-learning, combined with a personal care of the participants. Due to this method, a high number of employees may be qualified individually parallel. Upon successful completion of the training, participants in addition to the certificate receive the learning content in the form of an interactive CD as a reference book for everyday work. Because the know how! AG in addition to traditional Office applications offers training courses on other subjects, includes a wide variety offering for enterprises, workers and job-seekers. The training institution is open to a certification for further qualification measures according to AZWV, such as leadership development and methodological issues.

Company profile know How! AG offers the know-how since 1992! AG in Stuttgart, as an independent, owner-managed company concepts and solutions in the training field to customers across all industries. Individual E-learning concepts, learning software, practice-oriented presence seminars, demand-oriented consulting and target group oriented learning approaches are among the core competencies of the company. As a pioneer in the field of Web-based training (WBT) created the know-how! AG as early as 1995 the first successful E-learning products. Simply convey complex knowledge is the motto, which convincingly represents the company to its customers comprehensive concepts as well as small individual solutions. As more knowledge means more value for a company. Headquarters are in Stuttgart, with a branch office in Konstanz.