Russian Silicone

On the latter point – not products designed for painting stored in bulk in boxes, they should at least shift the layers of soft material that prevents the emergence of scratches, and the best packaging of each product separately. This is especially true common akrilonitrilbutadienovogo plastic (ABS) is one of the most popular plastic for the production of complex shaped products with a high degree of extraction. Methods of dealing with defective color first step in painting technology of plastic, for that matter, and any other materials is the preparation of the surface. Poor pre- training is the most common errors. It can cause the following: – a violation of the surface structure as well as lubricants often contain silicone – peeling, as paint applied to the layer of grease, which aims to prevent adhesion – the formation of cracks as possible the existing internal stresses in the plastic are not decreasing.

Time, which seems possible to save Surface cleaning – is often lost time, since in the end very often have a claim, and thus the additional cost of rework. Not to mention the loss of image of the client. As everyone knows when casting products plastic, various lubricants to facilitate their removal from the forms. Grease can contain silicone – one of the best materials to reduce the adhesion. But he is the most important problem for subsequent staining. Personally, I think it is better from the outset not to use grease molds with silicone than to slurp a spoonful of problems because of it, besides, they said Patriarch of the Russian , mold, working with the use of silicone as a lubricant, you can safely throw away In the Internet you can find tips for removing silicone contamination by various antisilikonami used in the coloring of cars, sometimes at small batches, you can use them.