Italian Equipment

Ancillary equipment for professional kitchens complete Italian company offers Metaltecnica accessories for a complete set of professional kitchens. The equipment is high quality, practicality, and fully complies with hygiene requirements. All equipment offered by a certificate of compliance and health certificate. The material is high quality stainless Food steel INOX 18/10 AISI (an alloy of chromium and nickel). A variety of workers and razrubochnye tables, tables of production, cabinets with hinged doors and doors wardrobes, wash tubs, racks, serving carts, including wood, canopies, tanks for the collection of waste – that's not the full range of equipment manufactured by Metaltecnica. The equipment is multifunctional and comfortable. For example, a table for processing of vegetables has a direct working surface cleaning and cutting, washing tub and a hole for waste disposal.

Table for processing meat and fish made by the same principle and has built-in cutting board made of polyethylene. All accessories equipment fully meets the requirements of the requirements, namely: is it safe to work at the expense of quality of processed corners and edges, has a stable position and height adjustment (where necessary), special sound absorption lining prevents vibration during operation, attractive appearance, fairly low price with high quality. A little look at some samples of the equipment, its design features and applications. Tables presented in the central carving, wall and corner versions. Tables are available with one or two shelves, with or without shelves. In the present embodiment, a wall skirting, protecting products from the fall, possible contact with the wall and splashing on the wall. Razrubochnye tables are designed for cutting meat and fish. Made of stainless steel with an overlay of extruded polyethylene thickness of 80 mm and equipped with holders for knives.

Tables, cabinets and closets are designed for long term storage of utensils and equipment in the kitchens. Tables, cabinets can be used as a conventional cutting table and at the same time serve to store cookware, kitchen utensils, different types of dry food, cutlery. Drawers can be equipped with GN. Quality material equipment can be used in various temperature and humidity conditions (washing of kitchen and tableware, hot shop, etc.). Shelf equipment is an essential part of warehouse and ancillary kitchens. Used to store food products, intermediate goods and equipment needed for cooking. Can not do without washing racks in offices where they are used for storage boilers, pots, pans, plates and glasses. Often shelving placed directly in refrigerators and freezers to store meat and fish semi-finished products, dairy products and other supplies. Canopies are also made from stainless steel and consist of a body Labyrinth filters and lights. Some models are equipped with additional fans. The principle of operation is quite simple: hot air with oil vapors drawn into the hood, passes through the labyrinth filter, and striking the its surface is removed from the premises. Upon impact, the filter oil is separated from the air and on special rail runs down into the holding tank from which it is periodically necessary to remove. Canopies are offered as in the wall and the central ways. A wide range of sizes allows you to pick up the equipment for rooms of virtually any size and shape.

Interior Decoration

Tapestries can be a great ornament of almost any interior. But it's worth noting that the best tapestries can manifest itself in large rooms or just a sufficient amount of free space. In XVIII century, when there were only a tapestry, they decorated the houses of wealthy citizens only. The price was high enough to tapestries, and afford such a purchase could only be secured by the people. The reason for this is that before the process of making tapestries was extremely laborious and lengthy. Often, for the manufacture of tapestry could take several months. Canvas for tapestry made of silk or woolen threads. For each tapestry create your own design, which is then transferred to the canvas.

In some cases, the tapestries were ornaments of silver or gold threads. Naturally, these products were valued extremely highly. Thus, original tapestries, and paintings produced by the same technology, were rare and expensive commodity. But such things are known that best emphasize the high social status of its owner and talk about it stable financial position. These days, when the production of tapestries became much less time consuming and costly, this stylish interior element can be found in many homes. This is not surprising. Indeed, new technologies production managed to preserve all the inherent advantages of tapestry, while significantly lowering their cost. These technologies include, first of all, computer engineering designs of tapestries and modern methods print on the finished canvas. Tapestry in the modern interior – is more than just a great decoration.

Flame Retardant

And in fact, and in another case, a need for financial investment. That is, there is a closed range. Moreover, the special treatment increases the density of the fabric up to seventy percent, which increases the stiffness of the material, reducing its breathability and has a negative impact on the aesthetic properties of decorative textiles. As for the fabrics of polyester staple fibers, in our time is the most viable option for hotels and restaurants. Flame Retardant, these fibers can provide guests with the necessary safety and benefit savings. Kanecaron and Trevira CS – this is probably the most popular brand in the production of polyester fibers. An important role in the selection of textiles is its light transmission. This requirement is particularly important for the hotel resorts and hotels located in the northern latitudes (eg, in Saint Petersburg and the Scandinavian countries) and proud of its white nights.

Believe me, not everyone will sleep in hotel room, where at night through the curtains shone the sun. Many of the guests during the flight change time zones, and curtains with high light transmission makes them difficult to adapt to the new location. To date, the production of textiles using modern technology black-out, which is a hundred percent polyester fabric with double satin weave, and the so-called core – stranded on both sides bleached black floss thread. This technology serves as a blackout fabrics. On closer examination, this fabric is a bit like a layer cake: white material on both sides with a black base on the cut.

Number layers of acrylic foam determines the type of black-outs, which can be either two-or three-ply. Compared with two-layer, three-ply black-out have higher sound and thermal insulation characteristics. Naturally, he different and higher costs. Speaking of two-layered tissues, it is worth noting their ease. Note that the black-out multi-functional, because it is used and as a lining to the main curtain, and as an independent second curtain. Companies specializing in the production of black-outs, gradually moving away from plain fabrics to designer blackout textiles. That is, provide an opportunity to replace the main curtain stylish black-out. We paid so much attention to the decorative textiles, but do not forget about the tulle. Susceptibility to shrinkage and tissue processing with a special protective coating – these are the basic rules when choosing a tulle for hotels and restaurants. On the one hand, the latter requirement is not mandatory, however treatment tulle fabric coated (for example, coated Scotchguard or Teflon) allows you to protect it from moisture and dirt. What represents a protecting cover? Thanks to this technology around each fiber fabric forms a protective shell, that is no longer tulle attract dust, dirt and absorb moisture. By the way, despite such protection, the fabric is still "breathes"! Will pay attention to the color palette and tulle. The best option for hotels and hotel complexes – it is monophonic tulle without any drawings and ornaments, but if you're on top consider yourself a practical hotelier, then choose the color of tulle, "Champagne."

Television Technician

How to build a constructive conversation on the phone, causing a technician or a consultation on the issue of repairing the TV? In our difficult time surviving, in order to attract customers, is very popular in many application tempting, but often lacking specificity promises, such as low prices, high quality, some guarantees on the 'Many Years'. This is their business, I do not judge. Personally, I do not use such 'zamanuhami', because cases are different, every work has its price, so that the matter of prime importance – for orientation in each case. As it happens, some people are calling, not even bothering to find out 'name' your televizora.Deskat, we have time No, but you call free, come, posmotrite.Kak rule is problematic clients, then they may not have the money or traded as the market. Best to avoid such kontingenta.Esli you of these – do not bother me. In the process of communication try to present the most words in the right way a manifestation of failure television, his brand (like 'Samsung'), screen size (at least approximately) how old he is (about) what color shell (Black, gray, silver). In some cases you need to tell your model televizora.Pripomnite not you noticed this before breakage of any changes in the TV, such as size images or yarkosti.Vsya this information very helpful to me in the pre-diagnosis and determining the estimated value of raboty.Tak as it avoids wasting time in the process of repair, pre- zapasshis required for a radio parts. Oh, and another nyuansik – some calling me by his vision of something, or just to show his superiority in the inability to communicate can afford to go on 'You'. Mozhet.kto something of a 'goodwill' in ecstasy, but I do not nepriemlimo.I because of my self-esteem (though it takes place), but simply communicating 'CUSTOMER' with 'CONTRACTOR' shall be in the right formate.Ochen would you ponrailos, if you come to the technician in his underpants? Here I am about it – it should be decently and in order, in due time and in its place. So that the outcome of something like this – first, gather your thoughts, all recall, brand and type TV record, and start the live communication:)

Choice Refrigerator

Economic international standards include energy efficiency 9 classes of refrigerators. The lowest class – a class G, and the highest A + +. To establish efficient models of refrigerators class consumption of A +, A +, A and B, with moderate consumption model are class C and D. Electricity consumption of refrigerators in two equal in volume, and differ only by class, for example A + + and G, can be so large, refrigerator with low class will spend twice as much electricity. To date, fewer and fewer refrigerators on the market there are high power consumption, so as to overpay now, no one wants. Assessing the economy class, take into account several parameters – the volume of the refrigerator, electricity consumption, as well as the presence of any electrical machinery, which increase the ease of use. So Refrigerators Premium (stuffed) have large consumption of electricity than a refrigerator with a standard set of functions of the same volume.

Moreover, classes cost may be the same. To what extent refrigerator will affect its cost effective design, build quality and the conditions under which it operates. Actual power consumption depends on the characteristics of cooling systems, insulation thickness and quality materials. In the operational factors include: ambient air quality seal doors, the frequency of opening the refrigerator door and the number of products downloadable products, as well as the number of mode is used, frost. Of course, one of the most important indicators of consumer is reliability and durability of the chosen appliance. For all of us is very important to insure himself on a maximum of unwanted breakdowns and repairs later. The greater the manufacturer agrees to provide warranty service, the better. Here, for example, in refrigerators POZIS manufacturer gives a guarantee of 5 years. What is the sound? 5 years warranty suggests that the plant is confident that his technique will work for a long time and accurately. Hardware store of Mr. Nizhnekamsk

Difficult Choice Gifts

Personally, I prefer silver to gold. Perhaps many will disagree with me. And bring lots of arguments in favor of gold. But first, the silver suits me more. Second, prices for silver jewelry below and I purchase in larger quantities than gold.

The third is not so offensive, if you lose a bracelet or something like that.:) And fourth, I just like to shine the silver, and all). So when I give something out of this metal as gift – I loved it. And then decided to write an article at your leisure on the choice of jewelry for fans of gray metal, as I do. Going into a jewelry store, the eyes diverge from the abundance of variety. The choice is difficult not only by the choice of the the subject, but in some cases, the stones that adorn it.

Here we need the following information about the person. If you do not know, try to observe the object of giving and to draw conclusions. So we need. The following facts: style, which adheres to a person, the color, which he prefers to dress, sign of the zodiac, or at least find out the date of birth, eye color, temperament, what he lacked in life – love, money, etc. Let us pick up a gift for Based on this information. Let’s start with the most in my opinion a simple method for the sign of the zodiac. Aquarius (21.01 – 20.02) is recommended to wear jewelry with the following gems: aquamarine, amethyst, garnet, quartz, obsidian, pearl, rose quartz, chrysoprase, and zircon. Pisces (21.02 – 20.03) preferred aquamarine, jet, Hyalite, emerald, coral, moonstone, neptunium, opal, pearl, haliotis, chrysolite. Aries (21.03 – 20.04) may be the product of a diamond, rock crystal, zircon, kyanite, bovenitom. Taurus (21.04 – 20.05). Taurus astrologers advise to wear aventurine, agate, alexandrite, turquoise, kyanite. Gemini (21.05 – 21.06). This sign of the zodiac match these stones: agate, amethyst, heliodor, cat’s eye, rhodonite, carnelian, tiger eye, citrine, Charoite. Cancer (22.06 – 07.22). At the cancer will have an impact: aventurine, aquamarine, hematite, emerald, pearl, moonstone. Leo (23.07 – 23.08) will shine in: heliodor, rock crystal, obsidian, ruby, tourmaline, amber. Virgo (24.08 – 23.09) will be the most mysterious, if you will wear jewelry with aventurine, heliotrope, rock crystal, jade, cat glazoom, jade, onyx, carnelian, tiger eye, jasper. Libra (24.09 – 23.10). Weights help balance the fluctuating nature: azurite, aquamarine, amethyst, angel, jade, kyanite, rhodonite, rubellite. Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11). Scorpions are not vulnerable to products with stones: alexandrite, apatite, jet, garnet, topaz. Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12). Sagittarius recommend the following stones: alexandrite, turquoise, gelitrop, lazulite, obsidian, sapphire, tourmaline, chalcedony. Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01) will feel more confident in Almaden, jet, smoky quartz, obsidian, tourmaline. The method of selecting a gift for the zodiac sign – it’s not taboo. Buy a gift you can not only guided by it. But if the sign of the zodiac but do you know nothing about a woman, so you can at least argue choice of gift.