SpetsLab Source

GOALcity reached a new level of objects. In "Pegal" embedded 3D-engine three-dimensional control plans – both flat and three-dimensional object with a huge number of features designed specifically for the security sector. On Today, there is no difficulty to find a computer specialist, who will represent your home, office or an entire city in three dimensions. "Pegal" easily loads the standard 3D-graphics. And makes her a unique system security.

In three-dimensional form of a man clearly sees not only the scene of the accident, but the dynamics of the process. Interested drawdown zone are displayed in spectacular (this word is appropriate) form with a smooth transition of the total plan. Each specific area can be seen in conjunction with a complete object model. All sensors, keys, locks, lighting, etc. presented in their graphic display and can be drawn by the user. Man Now he is building its security system! All events and control can also be done directly with the Plan.

For example, the drawdown of the sensor, you can see how flashing a virtual sensor, as is 3D-man or change the color of the volume of the room. To include lighting, enough to click on the virtual floor lamps, and to open the door – a virtual lock. Not only the person gets in a virtual environment – a three-dimensional thinking begins and the program itself, tracing the coordinates of the movement, speed, direction, and calculating the possible threat. But more on that later … View Video: 3D-Plan can already be seen on the show floor SpetsLab last 3 years. To date, it is not only finished, but a well-tested product. It should be noted that the creation of 3D-engine – abroad almost the most expensive issue in programming. SpetsLab developed this technology (Previously used only for games) specifically for use in the security sphere. Developed by SpetsLab Source:

Leader In The Square

In the last published report, research firm Gartner, the company Fortinet has been positioned in the Leaders Quadrant UTM-market so-called “magic square”. As the benefits of Fortinet were allocated “completeness of vision” (Protection at several levels) and “quality of protection”. The decision was taken based on the analysis of devices FortiGate. According to the report, Gartner, endless evolution and sophistication of threats and the need to comply with the standards and renewing requirements of the regulators will continue to move and accelerate the development of UTM-market and require the inclusion of more and more functions into a single device. Estimating the growth of this market, Gartner cites the following figures: In 2009, world market UTM-devices was approximately 1,5 billion U.S. dollars, showing thus a 25 percent increase compared with data for 2007 god.Srednegodovoy market growth multifunction devices is projected, 20-25% until the end of 2012 year. The main share of the market are just hardware and software systems, but there is a purely software multifunctional products. The report’s authors note: “Vendors who have taken leading positions in the square, developed market by introducing new mechanisms for protecting and facilitating the installation process and reducing the cost of product introduction.

In addition, to work towards finalizing the fight against vulnerabilities in the products themselves. Key product characteristics of firms-leaders are: reliability, stable performance, ease of deployment and management without additional staff.