
BIT is closer to our customers! Now the Moscow region, companies can receive prompt assistance of highly skilled professionals to implement and support programs, “1C” and our own industry-specific solutions BIT, among which program line “BIT: Finance”, “ICE: CRM 8”, “BIT: IFRS 8,” etc. Using the experience gained in other regions, “1C: Accounting and Trade” (BIT) can tackle the most complex projects, involving professionals with successful automation experience in different industries. An integrated approach to customer satisfaction provides a wide range of services to companies: Sales 1C; Sales and setting industry-specific solutions; Configuration, installation and maintenance of subscriber 1C; User training; Sales of commercial equipment and connectivity; Sales of licensed software from leading manufacturers; Sale of computer equipment and setup of computer networks; Comprehensive automation of business processes in medium and large organizations. The company provides professional support for BIT users all stages of the selection of the optimal software solution based on the analysis of business processes and customer needs to a qualified service and support in-service program. Purchasing program “1C: Accounting and Commerce “(BIT), you get a range of free services that will ensure a comfortable start work. Company “1C: Accounting and Trade” (ICE), the official partner of the firm “1C” in 1997, is now the largest network among firms franchisee “1C”. The company has 50 offices BIT, which operate in three countries: Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Specificity of the ICE is not only the automation of the enterprises on the basis of “1C: Enterprise”, but also training, counseling clients on the full range of professional issues.

During the work the company produced over 80,000 successful installations of automated systems. In the state of more than 2,000 employees, most of which certified by “1C”.

Site Statistics

We have already mentioned in passing that, according to the company, professional statistics should not be reduced to obtain records of attendance of your site. Therefore, in the final package were introduced additional features. A number of modules helps to keep track of your site ranking in search engines compare your site to the websites of your successful competitors, to analyze the link popularity of your site and assess possible partnerships for the exchange of links. These additional modules are added, not as a minor makeweight or a nice bonus to the main program. Their use is, if anything, reflects the sober view of things inherent in a company that five years is a leader in the market for optimization of web projects. Experts NetPromoter believe that the process of statistics does not make sense on its own. Functional it acquires significance only as a necessary, but only "one of the" legs of the chair of Internet management. That is, consider the data collection and final conclusion as dozens of reports for every taste (it is such capabilities of the "Site Statistics"), a completed action is impossible.

Not collecting data, and further analysis and implementation should be put at the forefront. All products are compatible and successfully complementary. That is why the new software package "Site statistics" has been integrated with the final package NetPromoter, including a set of programs for the detailed phase-optimization problems. Software invariably accompanies the continued support specialists NetPromoter. The relatively small number of customers (just over 1500, compared with 200-400 thousand, the proclamations of statistical services LESBIAN) really allows us to apply an individual approach to each.

Advertising Banners

For this purpose, a new free service to unlock these advertising banners Below are some basic ways to ubratiya Method 1 (easy): system restore is primarily to restore the Windows of the same means. To do this go to Start -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. Or, simultaneously press the key combination Windows + R. In the window 'Run', type rstrui.exe. Petra Diamonds can provide more clarity in the matter. It's the same thing. good. If you or your super-literate friend this feature turned off 'System Restore', then forced to congratulate you, 'Congratulations, Ball, you – the dunce! " (C).

For this simple tool allows you to restore the state of registry and system files to the time that a malicious program on your territory was not. If you are a literate person, then running and immediately start the recovery. Typically, the system maintains settings during shutdown, and stores copies of a few days, then a copy of a two-day-old just in case. After these steps, the system goes to reboot, and the window disappears. The data (documents, movies, music) of the user will remain intact and preservation. Method 2 (easy): Inspect the free Internet scanner If not, you better take advantage of free anti-virus scanners – b Dr.Web CureIt / b or Kaspersky. Safer burn them to CD and run it from the drive if has this capability.

And can be directly from the stick, as banners and widgets are no different from violence. Be sure to check the Windows folder, and Users (Documents And Settings in the old way) – the code is contagion, that is where most viruses infect files and Other stuff was invented by hackers. Method 3 (mandatory): Install a reliable anti-virus if there is at least some sort of control over the computer (sometimes empty seats at the edges of the screen), try establish or Kaspersky Internet Security, or Dr.Web. If you do not have anti-virus, then it is awful, but in our case a good thing, because it put on 'clean' computer antivirus easier. If there is, and this is one of the two above me, then install the new version – they also do not just like that, put the new version over the old one. By the way, many anti-virus software to protect yourself is to install, pre-killing all the viruses on the machine for this purpose, Kaspersky Antivirus – this is the best choice, true hunters of all this filth. Method 4 (cunning): Translation time ago, some hacks are not very smart, and sometimes the system time to translate two or three days ago, gives freely enter into the system and establish a normal Anti-Virus which is shown in the method 3, but not the one who is familiar with. Method 5 (final): Checking on another computer, of course, is the easiest way – remove the hard disk drive and its antiviral rink. Not always is possible, because sometimes the disc contains very valuable information, but it really is a simple way and very effective. Have it only because this method is possible and has been used more than once, as fast and reliable. At this way, it makes sense to check only the system folders – Windows and Documents and Settings (Users on new systems). It was there that hide malicious individuals. Meaning of compound files, archives and other larger sizes there. Remember, the virus – it a small program which is unexpected and quick. Use anti-virus !!!!!!

Knowledge Administrators

This will facilitate resource planning systems, as well as help in analyzing its performance. "I have nothing to do with it! If the request is not working properly, it is Developer problem "Sometimes, between developers and administrators there are some misunderstandings. As a result, instead of jointly find a solution to the problem, then begins a long and nowhere resulting in scapegoating. Confrontational relationship between developers and administrators significantly slow down the upgrade of the system and do not contribute to its performance. Rules: Pick up database administrators, who understand that working as a team with developers, they provide technical support included in their area . team spirit. DBA should be actively involved in every project, not just superficially on a case by sluchayu.Vklyuchite the job description of a database administrator, as one of the major duties, support the developers.

If it is clearly stated in its work and is tied to performance, the administrator will be motivated to perform this duty well. "I know what I'm doing and I do not need anybody's help" Database administration is becoming more of a challenge, even the most experienced administrators can not know all the details. When the administrator thinks he knows everything, he does not ask questions, so that transmits useful information that he could get from others. Rules: Cultivate a culture of interaction, in which the administrator is able to admit he did not know the answer, and must apply for pomoschyu.Predlagayte administrators participate in professional forums, so that they could ask their questions there to answer questions of others to express and test their assumptions or to arrange "brainstorming." Knowledge and experience of one Rights can not be compared with knowledge and experience even a small group of technical support lyudey.Ne neglect purchased hardware and software provided by their developers.

PC Acer Aspire Time

Modern technology allows a person to feel comfortable enough. Mobile, PDAs, PCs – is what allows you to save valuable time. In fact, do not you tell me how the PC power to make easier life. Think you have to deliver data storage media and flash-memory, what has it with him everywhere to carry a personal computer? And if by chance found a possible buyer and an urgent need to implement presentation? Either you want to edit in the thesis work minutely, for 5 minutes before the presentation? For example, in the way the laptop can take their free time – it is again possible manipulative study film, enter into global internet web, at the worst – even bother. First PVEM was created in the not too distant, and if you think about 1979.

However, with a side of 30 years – it's a decent amount of time. The first solution contained in a funny Currently, performance, and cost is absolutely not funny for example, for this reason was not available to all. Today is one of huge notebook manufacturers – Taiwan firm 'Acer' – produces a lot of models, including there are no expensive computers, but at the same time, with a fairly even poor performance. For example, PC Acer Aspire 5930g 733g25mi. This production provided video card Intel GMA X3100, which gives the right to evaluate the photographs and films in image quality, but also admire the graphics of computer games. Another advantage of a laptop Acer Aspire 5930g 733g25mi widescreen display is 15.4.'' This is a good choice for desktop and home use. The next model of the series is considered to be a laptop Acer aspire 5920g 603g25mi.

Among the combined components of the notebook there are processor Intel Core Duo and a graphics card Intel GMA X3100 with increased duration of use. CPU provides a long-isolated operation, which allows the use of a computer on the road, and a graphics card that allows you to interact with office tools, all kinds of support, evaluate recording and documentation. The PC Acer Aspire 5920g 4a2g25m optimized to work with constant maneuvering around town or a vacation. Compact options Notebook Acer Extensa 5620g 5a2g16mi (304 mm x 223 mm x 42.0 mm), its ability to work with office software, watch movies and install the game, but also a long time operation without adherence to the power supply (4, 5 hours) will present its indispensable partner in a different holidays and journeys. Large assortment of computers 'Acer' makes it possible to buy just the fact that not enough customers.


What I wanted to question how much price for the best, but it turned out … When diversifying competent head of the modern enterprise thinks about buying 1C, are often the first to whom he appeals for information are familiar, close circle of associates, friends, subordinates. Instead of choosing an official partner of 1C (for example, at 1C), which has, apart from the rich experience of the installation, implementation, maintenance and support 1C, all the necessary certificates and licenses to ensure guaranteed safety use of programs that are confused programmer seeking to bring cheap and installed the program 1C? And there is Bob! Familiar Bob came that – it did, like with the program to function normally, but in the very near future (oh, horror!) Employees can not work effectively. Some mistakes, absurdities of the program – it stalled, the customers do not want to wait for the documents go, but neither would-be programmer, no money spent on pirated software and its installation does not return (Bob was tired, too busy to him, his other "easy money") – the company suffers losses … Ontracks Consulting does not necessarily agree. It happens? Often. What causes us to use unlicensed software? The desire to save money? Better use of current assets? Optimize the cost? Of course, a sacred thing, to keep money owners. Maybe it's our mentality: why buy something that you can not feel that we can take a detour, that is bad (old habit from the time gone down in history)? Maybe ignorance of the consequences of "Pirated" software? Or the notion of "intellectual property" too new and still strange to the Russians? Yet the main reason for seeking to "pirate" is ignorance of the present price licensing, embedded professional 1C. .

XGamer Softpack

X-Gamer SoftPack 1.0 – a collection of programs for real gamers. A related site: Michael Wirth mentions similar findings. In Pak compiled the latest software for optimizing the system for the game. Optimizing the registry startup, the distribution of system resources – that's just a partial list of operations, after which game will start to fly! The structure consists of puck GameGain, Game Accelerator, Game Jackal Pro, DirectX 10 and XP Final + Daemon Tools Advanced … Description of the programs included in the pack: GameGain 2 – a program to increase the speed of games by optimizing your computer. Increases overall speed and squeezes out performance of your computer to the last bit.

GameGain is making changes to the registry and system files to free up memory, speed up rendering of images and use all CPU resources. The program is easy to use, simple and intuitive interface, compatible with all versions of Windows, allows you to directly make changes to the registry can automatically display the correct settings, etc. Game Accelerator 7.6.95 – utility to configure your computer and stability in computer games. The program is easy to use. You do not need any special knowledge, all management is the most simplified, (it is possible to work through system tray). Features of Game Accelerator: – Profiles: hypervelocity, System Cooling, background setting game, Fast speed setting – Defragment your memory and hard drives – Define configuration DirectX – System monitoring – Giperohlazhdenie system – Intelligent defragmentation of memory – User-friendly interface – Full support for all the latest hardware technologies (the latest CPUs and graphics cards) – Special Game optimization profiles for more than 1000 games including: Half-Life 2, Doom TM 3, World of WarcraftTM, City of HeroesTM, EverQuest TM, Brothers in Arms TM, Jedi Knight : Jedi AcademyTM, House of the DeadTM 3 and many others . .

Operating Systems

We present our project, which is entirely devoted to the operating system Ubuntu. In the vastness of our blog everyone can find useful information on Ubuntu. Our blog is constantly updated, so you always will know about latest news. Some contend that EOG Resources Inc. shows great expertise in this. Here you can easily find the necessary software, games, books and much more for a system of Ubuntu linux. Our blog is very popular among owners of the operating system Ubuntu. Only in our database contains a wealth of information that you will not find on other sites. We have organized a convenient search, so finding the necessary game information or software in the cellar.

If you have any problems with the use of Ubuntu, or you simply can not find the desired file, then search for it on our website. Well, if you can not find the information you need, feel free to contact us for help through e-mail. We want to be useful to every user of the operating system Ubuntu linux, and therefore anyone not refuse to help. Visit us and see for yourself the benefits of our blog. Frequently BP has said that publicly. We present our project, which is entirely devoted operating system Ubuntu. In the vastness of our blog everyone can find useful information on Ubuntu.

Our blog is constantly updated, so you will always be aware of all the news. Here you can easily find the necessary programs, games, books and much more for a system of Ubuntu linux. Our blog is very popular among owners of the operating system Ubuntu. Only in our database contains enormous amount of useful information that you do not be able to find on other sites. We have organized a convenient search, so finding the necessary game information or software in the cellar. If you have any problems with the use of Ubuntu, or you simply do not find the desired file, then look for it on our website. Well, if you can not find the information you need, feel free to contact us for help through e-mail. We want to be useful to every user of the operating system Ubuntu linux, and therefore anyone not refuse to help. Visit us and see for yourself the benefits of our blog.


One of the facets that most surprised me of my is the ability to use utensils software as for example the pendrive, although beyond that, one of the things that I assume more risk is like format a pendrive, because it costs real emotional tension thinking that you can lose all loa information you have saved in it, and that is something that can not be true. Without going further, I raised a few days ago until point can achieve a pendrive, or rather a usb storage resist blows and washing machines. While it is true that they are very comfortable, we must bear in mind that many times we reached a level that can do little because to save data in its interior we have saved over time, then we are in uns situation very uncomfortable, and everything stored on the Flash drive may be lost, hacuendo our life much more difficult and complex than desired in principle shouldthat is why we must be careful with this aspect. Degree in computer science or technical support Cancun (Quintana Eng. systems and/or Lic.

SpetsLab Source

GOALcity reached a new level of objects. In "Pegal" embedded 3D-engine three-dimensional control plans – both flat and three-dimensional object with a huge number of features designed specifically for the security sector. On Today, there is no difficulty to find a computer specialist, who will represent your home, office or an entire city in three dimensions. "Pegal" easily loads the standard 3D-graphics. And makes her a unique system security.

In three-dimensional form of a man clearly sees not only the scene of the accident, but the dynamics of the process. Interested drawdown zone are displayed in spectacular (this word is appropriate) form with a smooth transition of the total plan. Each specific area can be seen in conjunction with a complete object model. All sensors, keys, locks, lighting, etc. presented in their graphic display and can be drawn by the user. Man Now he is building its security system! All events and control can also be done directly with the Plan.

For example, the drawdown of the sensor, you can see how flashing a virtual sensor, as is 3D-man or change the color of the volume of the room. To include lighting, enough to click on the virtual floor lamps, and to open the door – a virtual lock. Not only the person gets in a virtual environment – a three-dimensional thinking begins and the program itself, tracing the coordinates of the movement, speed, direction, and calculating the possible threat. But more on that later … View Video: 3D-Plan can already be seen on the show floor SpetsLab last 3 years. To date, it is not only finished, but a well-tested product. It should be noted that the creation of 3D-engine – abroad almost the most expensive issue in programming. SpetsLab developed this technology (Previously used only for games) specifically for use in the security sphere. Developed by SpetsLab Source: