University Students and Their Future Work

EN 1U barometer published Complutense University-Society. Half bad calls the Spanish educational system and does not trust that adaptation to European integration will promote his work. 80% of college students perceive their future work with uncertainty, the same percentage that places the lack of transparency as another indicator of the current crisis, which in his opinion, not only economic, but social (90.4%). Almost seven out of ten associates into a crisis of values. There are data emerging from the survey conducted by the Social Council 1.

200 university students, and part of the first edition of the Barometer University? Society 2010. Poor financial management is for 95% of the university, the main cause of the current economic crisis have Spain, while 90% also associated with a systemic crisis in general and political mismanagement. Half of college students (49.2%) qualifies as bad the current state of Spanish education system, while another 45.7% puts regular note. Only 5% of students given a passing grade the current education system, while 87% believe that the level of our country in this regard is below the European Union countries. Contrary to the Bologna Process 55% of respondents said it was contrary to European Convergence in Higher Education Studies, better known as the Bologna Process. And 41.8% do not expect much from the adaptation of European studies favor their future employability. The overall vision for technology development in Spain is not very optimistic, for 87.6% of respondents believed that the level of Spain is below the average for European nations.

In parallel, a similar percentage believes that technology promotes human development, innovation creates more opportunities for the population, and that science improves our quality of life. Another fact that is drawn of the Barometer is that almost 90% of respondents understood that Immigration is an integral part of society we live in, and almost half (48.3%) live it as a factor of progress and development. Just over 90% of respondents associated the progress and quality of life of society with an economic model of sustainable development (92.2%), with the application of scientific advances into everyday life (91.4% ), and the conservation of the environment (87.5%). 73% linked to the competitiveness of Spain as a country. In this period of economic crisis, college students believe that solidarity among Spanish is weak (65.5%), and a strong nation that promotes coexistence among all (96.7%), welfare and social peace ( 93.5%), and public safety (87.1%). The Board of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid has opened this first edition of the barometer. Being a study year, the University Barometer? 2010 Company founded with the goal of being a social relation According to university students, whose results will be updated periodically. The Barometer addresses ten major trends that will influence the future social change: The European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process), Crisis, New Technologies, Future Education, Environment, Immigration, Energy System, and Future Expectations, Values and Geopolitical Solidarity. The study has the opinion and analysis of known and prestigious professionals like Rafael Puyol, Carlos Berzosa Joaquin Leguina, Fernando Becker, Carlos Seoane, Jose Maria Marin Quemada, Mercedes de la Merced, Antxon Sarasqueta, Luis Carlos Alvarez and partridges Blas. a