MTE Average

Following this line of reasoning the dynamic regions absorb specialized the qualified migrantes to become each time more. Studies point that the migration provokes an increase of the average incomes of the regions, states and of the Country. The level of the state of Par we can cite Parauapebas that due its specialized industrialization if became a point of attraction of workmanship hand and with this it increased its average income of the city and the state. For Saints and Blacksmith (2006), the movements of migration of man power migram for where the income is bigger, however the expulsora region of has an increase in the work productivity, due to bigger scarcity of factor work and getting a rise in the income. Already for the receiving region a swell of workers will occur and the average income can lower. With this it can be observed that the migration provokes convergence of income between the regions. In accordance with the historical past the incomes of the Brazilian population still suffer some preconceptions from that the man earns more than the woman, the whites earn than black more and aboriginal, diligent of the agricultural zone it earns less than one of the urban zone. This will be verified in the studies of the coefficients of income of the cities of Par (SAINTS and BLACKSMITH, 2006) .5. Objective main METODOLOGIAO of this chapter is to describe of form sucinta the instruments for definition, election, treatment, comparison and criteria of analysis of the dynamics of the productive structure from secondary data of the Ministry of the Work and Job – MTE of the Federal.Esta Government methodology also admits for the results of the research to translate the information geographic it computer and to offer to representative concepts of the reality of the productive structure in study through maps temticos.5.1PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLOGICOSO study of the dynamism of the productive structure of the cities of the State of Par has as proposal to support if in the methods: comparative degree and description.