Using auto-responder along with your website is a good way to provide an immediate response to the request for information. Giving this information, we’ll get our marketing message is read in the best possible environment:One of the problems that confront web masters is to get information about visitors to your website. This information can be obtained in various ways, including through: Guest Books, Forms, subscription to newsletters, contests and, especially, by providing additional free information via autoresponder. Through the autoresponder, you can send updated price lists, list of products and services or any other information you want to distribute.
When a potential customer clicks on the link to your auto-responder, you will immediately receive the requested information and you can capture your email address. Automates our marketing efforts as mentioned earlier, time is vital to any marketing professional. Anything we can do to automate our daily tasks that they will be more effective. Use of autoresponder is the easiest way to automate this process. Imagine not having to spend hours reading all incoming email messages and in response one by one. Market is looking for professional work of two simultaneous objectives: to provide instant information and get the address of the person requesting the information for monitoring the case. In short …
The autoresponder is a practical and economical alternative to automate the task of providing certain information to our potential customers. An autoresponder is the e-mail version comparable with the fax on demand and is also known as robots or mailbot, and no more than a specialized program that runs on a server (computer (PC)) and that on receipt of an e mail replies automatically sent a file (file) or files (files) to the email address of the person requesting the information. So you can send information about your company, its products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year without the need for human intervention to respond individually to each inquiry message. The process works on ‘autopilot’.