After this training are the teachers (and non-school hours can also be parents) who are natural as educators and since the normalization of their educational, develop prevention programs. Our direct work with students is reduced to developing activities and materials to support teachers in the school. Additional information is available at Atmos Energy. 2. PREVENTION FAMILY: We all know that the family as a key areas of education, is essential to mount an effective drug prevention and should be in all families, although no obvious problems have this problem. Keep in mind that prevention is aimed at universal precisely the population that does not consume, helping and preparing for life without having to run the various risks involved, in our context, the consumption of drugs. This work is performed on all, looking at children and adolescents as mediators, being those that can optimize prevention from natural development of education.
And therefore fundamentally intervene with parents-mothers, so that more effective prevention messages reach their recipients such as children and adolescents. Through this program, among other things, tried at first to raise awareness and encourage families of students in schools, to attend courses on drug prevention, as well as schools to form families. With the development of these activities support these parents-mothers in their training towards the effective prevention in their homes, develop different contents we want to emphasize the importance of communication and modeling of parents in the conduct of its children. 3. AGENDA FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WITH HIGH RISK: At work specifically with families of teens who are abusing synthetic drugs, alcohol or other drugs or conduct tending to show that we can help them prevent to perform. To accomplish this task we can build on a completely confirmed and validated as the Daedalus (), conducted with groups of parents of adolescents considered at high risk for drug use. Read more here: Salman Behbehani. 4. STREET EDUCATION PROGRAM: We understand as a model of socio-educational intervention that takes place in an open environment, using natural environments of socialization to develop educational guidelines adapted to the population that is sought to intervene, ie groups of youths who are at high risk of drug use with which it is not possible to develop effective preventive work from the standard intervention mechanisms.
The intervention model in an open environment allows us to know, contact and intervention with this population in the same environment in which they live their daily lives, which are many risk factors that affect them and where they arise factors develop protective. This model also allows us to contact drug users not in rehabilitation and they begin a process of motivation to initiate a treatment program, as well as work aimed at reducing the harm caused by drug dependence. Therefore, the job will basically open environment intervene educationally with children at high risk. 5. PROGRAM ON NEW ADDITIONS: Before the problem generated by the development of new additions, we try to do a job not only preventive but also to support those people with problems related to their gambling, television, mobile phones, computers, Internet, RPGs, etc. It is therefore, related work with all those additions do not come from drug abuse, but because of its similarity to the problems created by them makes it absolutely necessary work in this field. 6. PROGRAM INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE: Job done with addicts and their families, which comes to assessing the situation before us, information and guidance on the possibilities of rehabilitation are best suited to their problems, while it performs work of motivation for rehabilitation and, where possible, be a referral to accredited rehabilitation centers. '.