How To Build A Foundation – 10 Tips

You have decided to build a house or a bath? Then you need to think carefully about how to properly lay the foundation to the new structure. Here are 10 tips that will help you in building the foundations. 1. To begin study foundations of buildings facing next. This will give you food for thought, since life itself casts a miscalculation by leaving, they say, only time-tested. 2. The next step – the calculation of the bearing capacity of soil. Different soils give different draft, because the properties are different: some of them are easy to overlook the water, some of its delay, one fraught with the landslide, others are quite stable, some soils during freezing swells strongly, others – quite a bit.

If we discard the slabs of granite or stone embankment of natural origin, the most reliable – homogeneous sandy coarse-grained. The foundation does not experience such a ground of heavy loads, provides uniform sediment, no warping. It is on these grounds, if the construction of the building permits can be applied melkozaglublennye foundation that will serve as a reliable bulwark home. Fine-grained or pulverized sand, and clay soils are dry, too, have a good load, but when wet become fluid, and was frozen in the cold winter, "abyss." The outcome of this process is becoming a big burden on the foundation, which can skew the house and the walls will crack. The remedy is simple – have sunk with the sole of the basement below the freezing depth of soil.

The most dangerous peat base, which is also sometimes occurs in areas of the Leningrad region. In this case, as a rule, we have to choose peat and sand to fill the pit, that is to make a sandy base. 3. Another important characteristic of soils – the level of groundwater. If freezing level below the level of groundwater, we can expect swelling soil during the winter.