Recycling Technology

Styrofoam recycling technology in the world is widespread packaging made from polystyrene. TVs, computers, stereos and other electrical appliances packed into a lightweight impact resistant blocks made of Styrofoam. Due to the fact that there is no effective technology for recycling polystyrene foam, these lightweight blocks are clean, in many countries, not recycled, they accumulate in the environment and contaminate it. A team of scientists has developed an effective technology for recycling polystyrene foam, which allows production of this secondary polymer raw new organic polymer and, based on a wide range of plastic building materials. The new organic polymer obtained by copolymerization of polystyrene with technological additions. The new organic polymer was dubbed kvintalit. Manufacturing technology kvintalita simple. Polystyrene domestic and industrial waste pre-shredded, chopped expanded polystyrene chippings and processing aids loaded into the reactor volume, which in the process of mixing the components by the synthesis of new organic polymer kvintalit.

Production line is equipped with a serial kvintalita equipment commonly used in similar processes in the areas of company for the production of polymers and plastics. The new organic polymer has a high physical and mechanical properties and technological properties. Kvintalit – a thermoplastic polymer, which is a solid transparent material with a durable, adhesive activity, elasticity, abrasion resistance, resistance and resistance to weathering. For strength and adhesion activity kvintalit superior epoxy. The main graduation form molten tar kvintalita transparent material.

Release of kvintalita in the form of granules and powders of different dispersity. Also made water-based forms kvintalita. Kvintalit can be successfully used as a polymer matrix technology of a wide range of composite building materials. On the basis of kvintalita can be made durable, weatherproof and durable slab and sheet materials, slate, tile, soft roll roofing materials and floor coverings. Can be made from kvintalita mastic roofing and waterproofing materials, sealants. Roofing kvintalita – a high-tech, solid, heat resistant and durable roof. Roofing of kvintalita made directly on the concrete (screed), asphalt concrete without the use of supplementary materials (roofing, powders, etc.). The roof has a high strength, adhesion strength and elasticity. The service life of the roof of kvintalita without replacement and repair is at least 50 years. Method of application is simple. Kvintalit need to pour the concrete (screed) and disperse or brush, or spraying with a pistol – gun. From kvintalita can get high-waterproofing. Kvintalit can be successfully used for sealing joints and connections. The material is a versatile polymer kvintalit building material and, in roofing and waterproofing, and can be effectively used for devices other units and details of construction applications. So, from kvintalita can get solid, durable flooring, linoleum made. The polymer composition of kvintalita be weatherproof and durable facade paint, colorful coatings for interior decoration of buildings, high-quality varnishes and vibration-resistant automotive paints, anticorrosion coating of metal pipes, metal, girders, trusses and other steel structures. Of kvintalita can be made high-strength adhesives formulations of class 'superglue'. As a result of the introduction of technology utilization Styrofoam maloutiliziruemye now household and industrial wastes can become a stable and significant source of cheap raw material for many polymer production of highly polymeric construction materials. We offer interested companies to implement technology utilization Styrofoam and use it to create a new polymer manufacturing building material kvintalita.

The Best Way To Keep Memories Of Your Holiday

You’ve probably visited some interesting place or you’ve gathered with family and friends during the holidays: keep a memory of these times is important because, although we often used to discover and explore the world that surrounds us, create new links and grow, vacation pass so fast you run risk of forgetting some special moment. Creating a photobook you can save, relive and share memories of your vacation in a tidy and attractive. Below you will find a guide that will show you step by step and so simple how to create your own photobooks of the holidays and best results. The program that we recommend to create your photobooks, in addition to being free, effective and incredibly easy to use, allows you to edit and organize your photos, either digital or old format. Compuware contains valuable tech resources. You can find it on the Vistaprint website in the section photobooks: Unlike other companies, you don’t need to download or install anything and you can use it with any system operating, the only technical requirement for using this program it is basically have a computer with Internet access. To begin you will have to register as a user on the Vistaprint website by entering your address email, name and password.

You can then choose the type of fotolibro you’re interested (there are a variety of options, from albums of Pocket until photobooks of larger size with different types of cover, such as flexible lid, rigid, imitation leather or linen) and distribution of the elements on the pages. You can also choose between a myriad of designs, images and fonts so that you can create a unique photobook. Once you’ve decided which format you want, you will have to select the images you want to include and organize them in the correct order. Although there is not a criterion of absolute about the kind of images and order that we need to put them, what works best is usually choose the better quality photos (with regards to lighting, color and sharpness) that are representative of the moment and bring a memory clear of every moment, and presenting them in chronological order.

Surge Protection

Nowadays, electrical networks in all regions of Russia are obsolete and are working to the limit. The load on the network increased by several times. As a result of frequent electricity outages. Compuware has similar goals. High or low voltage surge, Flash off – with all this consumer is already familiar. Computers, audio-video systems, televisions, many models of home appliances with microprocessors, not only can not operate correctly, but be rendered unusable due to power anomalies.

Sudden power outages not only dangerous for your computer, but for an ordinary tv, vcr, refrigerator, etc., as tripping accompanied by a cast of current and voltage (impulse noise). Many of you know firsthand about the burnt as a result of power outages technique. In many countries, to protect the power supply used stabilizers voltage, high voltage circuit breakers. Low blood pressure – the most common cause of poor power supply. The most common cause of low voltage – deficit electricity, which is especially typical for the winter months when the majority of the population includes heaters. Long-term operation technique, which has in its structure an electric motor in a low voltage leads to accelerated wear of components, and in some cases it is possible not only serious damage but fire the device.

How to protect yourself? Voltage regulators provide protection against such in power. They line the line voltage to a normal level (220 + / – 5%). Increased tension. Very often it is – a consequence of an emergency condition of the wiring in their homes. "Zero burning" occurs as a result of disconnection of the total null wire, when the neighboring phases are under a voltage of 380 V. Often dangerous high voltage occurs on the network because of incorrect switching wires. High voltage leads to irreversible consequences for the equipment. The probability of a fire. How to protect yourself? In the event of a dangerous level of the supply voltage close to 380, a voltage regulator to protect, disable the user from the emergency power supply. But if the consumer has a large Part-time voltage within the normal 220 + / -10%, there is no reason to buy an expensive surge protector. Correct to install high-voltage circuit breaker, which will ensure effective protection at low cost. In the event of a network voltages above 255 V it "soft" disconnect the load from the network. Circuit breakers are mechanical, and electronic type.

Directory of Resources

Idea No. 3 Create a directory of resources within your website. They may include reviews or links to digital books, electronic newsletters, websites, etc. If people find your directory will find value, security has come back again and again to your website. Idea No.

4 Obsequiele visitors a digital book. You may include within the same advertising to your website. Let others give away the book from their websites. If you do not want to take the time to write a book of their own, to collect articles from other authors, request permission to reproduce and create your own ebook to give away to their visitors. This has the potential to spread like a virus, as it surely will offer more than one book from their web sites to its list of subscribers to their newsletters. Digital books, or also known as e-books are an excellent tool for viral dissemination.

Idea No. 5 Organize classes or seminars online “live.” These conferences are able to perform in a voice chat room or using any of audio conferencing systems that begin to bloom in the network. The very idea of providing information “live” definitely will make people go to their website, and will help position you and your company as experts in the field. Do not forget to invite you to subscribe to your newsletter. Remember: Money on the Internet is on the lists and if you have not started to build, you’re wasting time and money. Idea No. 6 Hold a contest. Prizes must be something of interest and value to your visitors. People who subscribe to its competition will return to your site to see the results. Idea No. 7 Allow your visitors to download software (or something similar) for free. You can even convert some of its web site a directory of free resources. Do not forget the software or other material to give away with your own advertising. Idea No. 8 Offer free services from your website. Examples: Service for inclusion in search engines, advertising proofreading. The service must, of course, be useful to your target audience. Idea No. 9 Offer free consulting to people who visit your website. This is an excellent strategy to attract prospects “hot.” You can provide this consultancy by e-mail, telephone or by any means. Something like “15 minutes of free consulting.” People consider this offer as something of value, especially if you consider that consulting fees are too high by some experts. Idea No. 10 Offer your visitors a free membership to a virtual club. People love to feel that they belong to something. Those who subscribe to your club also receive a special newsletter for members only. Want to learn more about how to generate more traffic to your website?

The Design of the Web Site is Crucial

Many companies believe that corporate image of a website is as important as what is presented to a client in person. However, there are others who do not think the same. Currently exist in the market for thousands of web design templates for the sole purpose of offering them at a low price, doubling, share the same design as many companies hoping to meet their needs from others that are not competitive or meet requirements to develop a unique design, unique and innovative. When you start a new web project sure to submit a design that represents a creative, serious and professional, remember that the first impression is what counts regardless of the content of the site, because if it is true that “a picture is worth a thousand Words. ” On the other hand sounds professional photography or multimedia are ideal for capturing the attention of their customers, thus presenting their products and services in a more dynamic and interactive.

In addition to this important aspect of design must take into account other issues such as the readability of the content using color, font size and attractive, highlighting the important ideas in titles and subtitles. You must also have an intuitive and easy navigation in the architecture of the page that is used to add value to the user experience on the site. So do not think it is time to redesign your site to generate more impact on your customers? As a benefit to their customers that associating their image or logo before buying a new product or service and in turn provide the confidence and credibility that surely will attract new customers. When you meet the requirements to meet the needs of its niche as an ally and has an excellent web design that speaks well for their organization, surely your web strategy will be a great success. In Xzito creative solutions we have a team expert in web design and marketing to meet the needs of your company with unique and innovative designs along with e-marketing strategies. To receive a call for free advice! at 401-709-4342 or visit our portfolio of solutions. Xzito your best solution.

Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks

Kitchen sinks made of stainless steel made by Italian firm Foster deserved proper respect among users worldwide. This was possible due to the fact that in the field of steel processing has no equal. Stainless steel sink Foster differ in an exclusive design and functionality, as well as attention to the smallest detail and quality starting materials. Applying for creating sinks original ideas that are implemented in practice and design approach, experts form the individual style of any kitchen. In this article the author will illuminate the main features sinks for the kitchen Foster, who represented the Russian market. Classic stainless steel kitchen sinks are not go out of fashion today. A high-technology production and use of stainless steel can make products with a perfectly shiny surface that will not be subject to corrosion and rust. Modern stainless steel sinks withstand ice water and hot oil, enough high-impact, easy to clean, hygienic.

In addition, they are perfectly in tune with the elements of kitchen appliances and furniture made of glass and aluminum, which are increasingly used in the design of a modern kitchen. What makes stainless steel sinks easily fit any style and color kuhni.Osobuyu strength and unique operational characteristics of a kitchen stainless steel sink attached, of course, the raw material with high nickel content (10%) and chromium (18%) in its composition. Foster Company for the manufacture of sinks for the kitchen uses stainless steel, European standard AISI 304-18/10, thicker than 0,7 cm. Experts have developed an exclusive cover of stainless steel, which give the kitchen sink for a special simplicity and ease of maintenance, excellent appearance and functionality.

Virtual Assistants

I am facing my computer reading a series of articles and I have come to one where my mind clicked. Today I want to share with all those people who I read and that do not read me this article yet. Pretty good is called pretty well and is written by Jose Miguel Bolivar.Talk of unfamiliarity, of how some people we demand much more than others do. There is no more demanding than that comes from one’s self because even if we do it will never be enough. In addition work online or virtual workspace makes you be more demanding still since not accounts with approval from your boss and with the confidence of an employment relationship of several years together.

I can already tell you, this is an article to think. I liked and I hope that you also. Try to make things as best as possible has nothing wrong but seek perfection when something is already fairly well is a waste of time. Don’t let unhealthy perfectionism prevents you cut to the chase and Learn to leave things when the time comes. Large software companies are very clear in this regard. An example is the way in which launch new products and services to market. To do so until they are fully tested and debugged, they save a considerable amount of time and money.

This savings not only reverses on the final consumer, but it also greatly improves the quality of the final product as well as shortens its output to the market. All this is possible thanks to the feedback of customers, which provides companies in one month what could discover with internal testing in several years. Therefore it is important that you learn to recognize when your work has reached a point where what we have achieved is quite well. A good way of doing this is to ask you from time to time: does there is someone more than me that recognizes and values the difference between as it is now and as it can become if I’m still working on it? Can I improve the result of significantly if I’m still working on it? Do compensates for the potential quality gain the extra time I spend? If the answer to the above questions is no, gives complete that task and Ponte with another. If on the other hand, your answer is Yes, what identifies necessarily lack to do and do it, but nothing more. As Alexander Hamilton said: I never hope to see a perfect work of an imperfect man. Accept your own imperfection and compensate regularly doing a job that is quite well.

Mobile World Congress Barcelona

LTE so quickly took place as DSL from the 14th to the 17th February at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona. The Congress is already since 1987 regularly held and considered to be one of the biggest fairs of the industry. This year stood above all the question in the space, which mobile wireless standard will establish itself in the future. The finance portal reveals the answer. The most important question at the fair was whether LTE or WiMAX technology will prevail in the future as mobile communications standard.

Clearly fails the response by industry specialists: LTE is regarded as mobile communications standard of the future. Already have LTE and HSPA + related-technology significantly higher customer numbers to as WiMAX. The LTE technology allows users of connection speeds that are comparable with fast DSL. In theory, even up to 300 megabits per second transfer rates are possible, in practice this does not work however. At the fair, numerous companies presented in addition to experts with their new devices for the LTE standard. Until they are used everywhere can, must wait yet a little consumers. In Germany, the providers have bought the frequencies for the use of the new standards last year. To the provisions of the Federal Network Agency the white spots must prior to the building of the LTE in metropolitan areas but”, so those areas that do not have fast Internet connections, are covered.

The development in these areas has already begun and is progressing faster than expected. Soon users in major cities to enjoy the fast mobile connection are likely to get. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

Residential Automation

The residential automation is the technology that allows to converge and to manage the resources of a house (illumination, climatization, security, sound equipment, blinds, cameras, bombs of swimming pool, etc) so that the same one executes tasks preset for the inhabitant, aiming at to offer to greater comfort and praticidade. Its beginning if gave in middle of years 80, with the adaptation of industrial and land technology for the domestic use. This became its limited, superdimensionado and expensive use for its new purpose, therefore the power of the domestic equipment is significantly inferior to the used ones in the other cases. However, with the success of this new technological source, the same one if developed the wide steps and became each more diversified time, making possible the accomplishment of practically any automatic task duly preprogrammed. In years 90 the cabeado system was used on a large scale and centered (evolved of industrial and land the systems), that is, all element that if it desires to automatize must be on to a central office of automation through handles. This system brings great trustworthiness, however it is not applicable to the workmanships concluded beyond demanding a similar minute project of englobar and foreseeing everything what it will be automatized. With this, the residential automation erroneamente passed to be treated as something superfluous therefore even though bathtubs, coffee pots and other item of lesser importance had started to be part of the projects, had to the fact not to be able to be enclosed after this phase. With the turn of the century, the first no-cabeados and decentralized systems had appeared whose functioning is trustworthy.

These systems are much more flexible and adaptable, not requiring great projects or previous infrastructure for its installation. They are characterized for making possible a gradual installation, allowing that the person if makes familiar to the system to the few she makes and it if to adapt in the best way to its daily routine. It enters the main systems of this type are distinguished: command for voice, command for radiofrequncia command for PLC, that uses the proper electric wiring of the place to pass through the data (soon we will have Internet saw PLC in Brazil here). Nowadays we find a great one offers of products of the pursuing, of the most varied prices and for the most varied purposes. This always provides specific projects for each person, aiming at to facilitate its day-by-day and turning themselves toward its real necessity. It was the time where the residential automation was an object of expensive and unattachable desire, today it is a tangible reality for any person who if considers to bring more comfort to its home.


High-quality aluminum chassis a lacquered aluminum chassis carries all internal components of the fountain of youth, 66-10/11 to the Selection 2 color available: white and blue. Speaking candidly Ray Kurzweil told us the story. 66-11 fountain is the enhanced version of the fountain of 66-10 the fountain of 66-11. This water filter system provides not only you yourself with pure drinking water, but also your laundry and dishwasher with pure and non water. So whatever that enough water is immediately available, a stainless steel pressure reservoir with a capacity of 12 litres is included in the the fountain of 66-11 as an intermediate buffer. No other reverse osmosis system offers so many application possibilities such as the fountain of 66-11 for the budget! Installation and operation with still no reverse osmosis water filter by BestWater was 66-10 and fountain 66-11 installation as simply and clearly as for the fountain of youth. So nothing from the housing projects, all inputs and outputs with the housing are connected. The enclosure is kept simple and therefore very practical. The control unit of the system is integrated in the front. Thus, all production processes are monitored and controlled. The control informed about the current status, unless the upcoming rinses or the mature filter replacement. The control unit can be improved at any time through updates and optimized. Further developments can be integrated without problems and you keep your fountain on the latest state of the art. Quality the fountain of 66-10 fountain of 66-11 made in the well-known BestWater very good quality and, as well as the predecessor series fountain 66-00, 30 year warranty. Learn more about the fountain of 66-10 and 66-11 fountain here products/water filters-fountain-66-10 Frank Dietz – distributor of international BestWater AG Merseburger Strasse 137 06112 Halle (Germany) contact: Frank Dietz homepage: press contact: Frank Dietz distributor of international BestWater AG of Merseburg str. 137, 06112 Halle / Saale phone: (0345) 17 16 888 mobile: (0178) 55 66 116 fax: (03212) 55 66 116 company profile : The international BestWater AG is one of the World’s leading companies in the field of water filters reverse osmosis based. BestWater was founded in 1990 by Josef Gamon and is today represented in over 20 countries. The most prestigious BestWater customers include the embassies of the United States, China, Israel, Nigeria, among the coffee house chain Starbucks and McDonald’s. BestWater has since 1990 more than 600,000 customers can win. The offer includes water filter for private household with TuV, 30 year warranty and product liability insurance and also commercial systems for hotels/catering. As well as additional products around the theme of water, such as: BPA free water bottles and water canisters.