Currently, the hardwired Requiorecebe monthly a 1,1 average a thousand messages of all the cantos of the Paran, all is directed directly for its Blackberry. Although pareahumanamente impossible, all the messages are chores for the governor and its fielescudeira and, according to Marisa, none is without reply. Of all the mensagensrecebidas ones about 20% are answered directly the citizens, however, amaioria 80% are directed for the competent agencies, therefore, still, aspessoas does not know the attributions of the governments much less to conseguemdistinguir the spheres municipal, state and federal. For example, at time dedeclarao of payment and income tax of IPTU our governor tires to dereceber messages, when in the truth the taxes say respect to the governofederal and municipal theatre, respectively. The canal is not benficoapenas for popular participation: for intermediary of the messages, Requio, also controls the work and ability of its secretaryship.
All asmensagens are folloied until its reply and the secretaries fear each vezmais the control for the governor and, mainly for the citizens. He was almost giving up, passed five days of the request, somebody of ' ' Cabinet Virtual' ' of it life signal prefeitodeu, is obvious that also he was an assessor and it took care of for the deSilvestre favour, only this. Naivety mine to wait that the proper Richarespondesse the question, after all it needs to manage 75 quarters (sic). As who does not have dog caacom cat, I was happy with the return of the Sylvester, explained who me that oprocesso of reply exactly is delayed depending on the question, at last, not hdiferena in sending an email or a letter to the mayor. During the year of 2008 (electoral year), Beto Richa, received about 3 a thousand messages, being 85% delasrespondidas in accordance with the assessor. ' ' Virtual' cabinet; ' tambmacumula e-mails that they are not of direct ability of the municipal government. But, inside of what it is, a good exploitation of the suggestions and crticasrealizadas by the citizens exists.
Between the suggestions that they turn public politics sedestacam to the come back ones to the transit of the city, as implantation of traffic lights, equipment installation of security in that is, the coitado one must be receiving many messages later noescndalo from Box 2 of its campaign. Exactly that the intention noseja to compare or to measure the level of satisfaction between the governments municipal eestadual, until why the structures and abrangncias they are distinct, gentepercebe that in all the spheres (also the federal one), the allied TICs are nabusca of a transparent and modern public administration, therefore the administration dofuturo is managemental and not bureaucratic. She is clearly that when we vote and elegemosdeterminado governor we wait of it work, transparency and gestodemocrtica. We do not vote in them to be reading e-mails the entire day